
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I think that is a wonderful testimony

Good morning again my faithful readers. I hope that your day will be severely blessed, as the good Lord fills your hearts desires!!                    You know, as I was traveling through Hemming Plaza yesterday evening the homeless captured my Spirit once again. It is strange how sometimes I can walk through like the rest of the world does seeing nothing. Then other times my heart just truly breaks for them. Maybe it is because I have been one of them. Actually, by the reports of the census I am still in that category.
Anyway, this is about them, and the only working solution that I know can help. Which is a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you notice I did say relationship. It is not enough to know about Him, or even who He is. That is the way that relationship is started. I believe many of the homeless have started a relationship with Jesus, and satan drew their attention off of Him in various ways. The reason that I say this is the fact that a lot of the homeless give reverence to the things of the lord.
They sit quietly, and respectfully listen to the preachers around here bombarding them with the message of how much Jesus loves them. Then, they will throw out whatever rags were hanging in our closet that we no longer wanted to be associated with any more. Inside the mission scene I have watch the same people attend the alter calls night after night. I have scratched my balding head more than once at that scene wondering why, do they do that over, and over, again, night after night .
I believe that I understand why now. I believe that they have a sincere heart for Salvation. The problem is that they are going out in the same mess without any, much needed vital support. All satan has to do is dangle a beer in front of them, and there they are back in the alter the next night. They need to attend a real church, but the mission is where they find shelter, and nourishment for their bodies.
We could rush this people off into seclusion to isolate them from the world while we teach them the love of the Father. There is a real problem with that process also. They have so many demons inside of them waring against themselves that it is almost impossible to keep them settle for long at a time. Once again I know this from experience.         What is the real solution?
There is a truth that is a real travesty. Some of the church's that are located downtown really don't want to be bothered with the homeless. Unfortunately, that is where the most of the homeless stay. Simply because they have missions to stay inside when it rains, or is cold. There are several different organizations that will feed them located downtown. If a person were to starve to death in Jacksonville it would be because they have a serious problem with getting around.
Getting back to the real deal. How do we get the homeless inside of the church to teach them the love of Jesus? They have had enough preachers yelling at them already. I know from experience that all the yelling will not work when your homeless. Everybody yells at them, and they even yell at each other from time to time. In the days that Jesus walked on the earth thousands of folks would gather around Jesus as He taught them the Word of the living God. The key factor that I want to point out is the fact that Jesus taught them. If that is how Jesus done it. What makes us think that we need to do all of this yelling?
Even feeding them great meals will not keep their attention but long enough to swallow the last bite. They are over fed already, and it is just more food to them. I am in no way saying that they should stop being fed, because they need food in their bodies to survive the same as everybody else does.  All I am doing is pointing out the fact that it can't be an attraction to get them into a church.
Maybe we are doing all that we need to be doing. We are letting all folks know, just not the homeless people, that there is a working solution for a pointless life. We are putting the name of Jesus out there in every we that we can. Every where you look there is somebody telling others that Jesus Christ is the missing part of a successful life. Even myself writing this little blog about my failures in my past life, and the difference with Jesus in my life today.
Y'all must think that I an crazy as a bessy bug!! Me living inside of a mission, and talking about how happy that I am, because of the relationship that I have with Jesus. I am sorry, but I think that is a wonderful testimony of how a life can be changed by Jesus!! It is true that I think all the world could greatly benefit from having a true relationship with our Creator!! I am doing my small part to fulfill the scripture of Mark 16:15, And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

..........Much Love

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