
Monday, February 18, 2013

The price of life can be far too much ....

Guess where I am at right now? Give up? Well I guess that I need to enlightened my prestigious readers. I am located smack dab in the middle of the land called frustration.      Yep,......That's right.......I am sitting outside in the cold at the landing.       The land of free internet!!      Every where down here is a hot spot, except for today!!      I can't figure out why though. I can't even hook up to the public wifi this morning. I guess that I need to pack it up, and move along to the next hot spot.
Talking about the next hot spot, the Mickey D's that I really like to go to has had their internet cut off here lately. Maybe they are tired of folks just showing up to get on the internet for free without even making a purchase. I have seem people come in there, and sit for hours, and bring their own food from home. What was that? How do I know that? That's easy. I have been there myself for several hours. I have enjoyed the bottomless glasses of coffee, and soda while soaking up all the free internet that I could stand. I have never taken my own food in there, and always spend from four bucks up.
Speaking of Mickey D's, I had not noticed it until a friend of mine pointed out this fact. They usually don't hire many older folks. They had rather hire a fresh teenager with absolutely no experience at all. They train them in the way that the company operates. Most of the older folks that we see are the ones that stayed with the company for all these years. The only thing that they know is the McDonald's way.
That really makes a lot of sense. I used to get mad at the fact that I had all this great restaurant experience, and they would not even give me an interview. They knew that I would come into work with all these great ideas how to make the job better. They knew that I would pollute their crew with these ideas, and create dissension and utter chaos. What I thought was a sure reason to hire me was the thing keeping me from being employed with that company.
I thought that I was God's gift to the restaurant world anyway. I had this attitude of greatness and superiority. I didn't even know what it meant to be humble. I was confusing humbleness with weakness. Back then in those days I had no clue there was more power in being humble. Oh, the things that I know now came with a price a serious price. The price of life can be far too much when you're going about it in the wrong direction.
I am still learning. I attend the school of hard knocks everyday of my life. It is a little different now that I have gotten a little older. I am working on the etiquette portion of life right now. That is right. I am revisiting the skills that I should have learned in kindergarten about how to treat others, and what is acceptable behavior for others to treat me. Somehow, I got all this confused when I was a child. I never grasp the proper concepts that I need to live a wholesome adult life.
I know this must seem strange to my readers. A man as old as I am admitting to the entire world that he has issues, and has had them his whole life. I guess when you get to be my age, and has lived as rough a life as I have, it is good to be able to admit anything. I know that I have grown through these experiences, because I don't really have much to left to blame on others.
The little that I blame any more needs to come to an end right now.      My Creator has told me this has got to stop even though it might be true.       It will spread hate and discontent among the brethren that are seeking the Lord's help in the place that I was writing about.      From now own what ever they do is fine with me.       I am not their judge, and it a good thing that I am not.     Simply because I am not qualified to judge anybody other than myself.       I have a full agenda of me, on the docket right now.
You know that God has been so good to me in spite of how evil that I been to others.    I don't have the right to complain about anything ever again.       I have enough praise for Father that is all that ever should be coming from my mouth, mind, heart, and keyboard.      My mission doesn’t even consist of what other people are doing.      It should consist of what Jesus is doing, and what I am doing to let other folks know.        I would truly hate for someone to miss the love of Father, because I was absorbed in some other foolishness.

….........Much Love

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