
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Then again, I was such a jerk!!

Sometimes it is harder to act right than others. I am getting pretty good at holding my tongue, and not embarrassing myself. That's what happens when I don't hold my tongue, and start running off at my mouth. There really is not a bad bone in my body, and I am more than less faking a move when I lose control. I do remember back in the day when I really didn't care how angry a person got at me. Then again, I was such a jerk!!
I had much rather live a peaceable life. It is better on my whole body if I do. Conflicts make my body go nuts. My blood pressure goes way to high, and I get an anxiety rush that is not good. If I get angry, or scared I get to shaking and can't speak well. It's kinda like trying to understand daffy duck, or the teacher from the peanuts school. I believe that is a gift from the stroke hat I had back in 89.
A lot of things resulted from that stroke that I still practice today. I know that this will sound crazy, but having those strokes were really a blessing in disguise. Yeah,....I had two six months apart. I was so wild, and crazy that God had to get my attention somehow. I recon that He let the devil have his way for a while. I was smoking crack cocaine. I need to say this for anybody thinking about starting smoking crack. Please don't do it, because even if nothing happens to you body like it did me.
Crack cocaine does the worst thing out of all the drugs that I ever done. It goes straight to your soul to start. It will rip apart your soul, and make you become something that even you will not care for. It will make you very self-centered, and it want mean a thing to you to betray your friends and family. One day you will look in the mirror, and have a hard time recognizing who you are. All the time hating every fiber of your being for what you have become.
I guess the time that it takes is different for everybody. The outcome is pretty much the same. Those that can afford the stuff usually die from an overdose, or a busted heart. Those that can't usually lose everything that they own, and everything that others will allow them to have. Before the time that you are finally finished, and looking for a working solution to your problem. You will have damaged if not destroyed every relationship that you have built over your entire life.
It is strange how everybody is just going to take a hit, and see what it is like. Nobody plans to be addicted to the stuff. We all say that we are in control, but we are not in control.      Satan is in control, and he wants to kill you.     I can't stress this enough: Crack Cocaine destroys a persons soul!!       It is the only drug, out of all the drugs that I have done in my life, that targets a persons soul first.
Most drugs will eventually get to nawing a bit at the soul. Crack cocaine goes straight to the soul with the first hit that is taken.     It creates so much damage it like it is biting, and chewing on the soul, and spitting small chunks up into your throat.       Do you realize what that kind of attack does to your remaining part of the body?
Your conscious is seared. Do your realized what it means for something to be seared. Webster dictionary 1828 says, SE'ARED, pp. [from sear.] Burnt on the furface; cauterized; hardened.     That is fairly strong language.      That is still what is happening when you some crack. There is even a stronger word that the Bible uses it is called reprobate.       This is what Webster said about it. Abandoned in sin; lost to virtue or grace.
That is really not good. Now lest look at what God said about it. In the book of Romans chapter 1:28-29, And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
If you are a smoker of the crack this verse applies to you just as it did me one time.     It is the punishment we received from keeping God in our knowledge.      This is a real dangerous place to be. It is worse than being 80 stories in the air trying to walk a tight rope drunk with the wind blowing. We are talking about the destruction of a persons soul.       Falling from the tight rope simply kills your body.       When the soul actually dies, it does so in an eternity of hell!!      Please don't smoke crack.
........Much love

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