
Monday, February 25, 2013

False Prophets?

I am amazed at how quick folks read my post after I post them. It is almost like somebody is stalking me. I made a mistake while ago, and I realized it immediately after I posted it. Believe it or not somebody was already reading it!! Well, all I can say to that, who ever you are, is thank you for reading. Now I need to figure out what I am writing about today. Nothing is pressing on me hard yet. I know that it will before long.
What do y'all think about the exposure of the false prophets?    I tell you what.   All the main preachers that I used to listen to have just about been exposed as false prophets, or at least accused as such. I used to watch all the preacher that came on television in the early morning hours. I had even supported some of those with my hard earned money.            Am I mad about sending my money to them?                Nope, not a bit.              I was sending my money to continue the word of God. They will held accountable for misusing the funds if they did in fact have any corruption among themselves.
I know that I sent a lot of money to three of those that have been accused; Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, and Joyce Meyer. I send my tithe when I wasn't involved with a local church. Plus I ordered a lot of the materials that they sell also.
I was so into Kenneth Copeland that I partnered with his ministry. He would call the house, and leave prayers of protection when a hurricane was approaching the coast. I bought a bunch of his stuff also. I know that I sent his ministry the most money of all. He even sent me a form at the end of the year, so I could claim it on my taxes. I forget how much that it was, but it was a lot for me.
I even took a day off of work to go see Joyce when she came to town. I never thought twice about when I dropped twenty dollars in the bucket. When I say bucket, it was like a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket, except it was white. Maybe that should have been my first clue? I bought her “Battlefield of the Mind” book. I didn't read it all. I loaned it to a friend of mine, and when he finished reading the book he shot himself dead!! This is not a joke. He really did commit suicide after reading the book.
I bought a lot of Jessie's stuff also, C. D’s, DVD s, and books. I bought one that he wrote, because the Good Lord took him up into heaven. It was more than less a fantasy story that might be (WRONG) I am sorry, it wouldn't even be fit to read to a child as a bed time story. It was a load of bull, as far as I could tell.
Now, I have always had my doubts about Paula White. She was so fake from jump street. I saw her one time asking for 316 dollars, for a piece of a sheet, and one ounce of oil. She claim it was because of John 3:16. Don't that scripture say, For God so love the world? Then why was she acting like God preferred Paula?
I remember when Joel Osteen took over his daddy's ministry. I thought that surely he would pick up the pace, and preach the Word. Instead he was a people pleasing prophet. What ever you do is alright with him. He don't care if you are gay, a thief, or a heretic. There is room in his gods heaven for you.
Speaking of heretics. I believe that Harold Camping gets the biggest heretic award for the year 2012!! I stopped listening to that man years ago on the radio. I wasn't sure what his problem was, but I knew that he warped, and twisted the Word to say what suited him.
Is all the preachers on television just using God as a prop to get rich? I would be scared to do that for any amount of money. I guess if they are, then they are the reason the Bible speaks of being aware of wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. They would certainly fit that bill.
It took me a while to get over that madness. It almost cost me my relationship with God. It was part of the fact that I was doubting His existence a couple years ago. I am glad that I took the time to seek out the one true God.          Now, I know without any shadow of a doubt, that He is real, and anything that I need to know about Him can be found in His Word.            If there is anything more that I require, Holy Spirit will reveal it to me.

….......Much Love

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