
Monday, February 11, 2013

We still keep trying...

Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

If I should die, before I wake,

I pray the Lord my soul to take.

There can't be anything more precious than listening to our little children saying this prayer before turning in to the bed for a good nights rest. I wonder how many parents still teach their children this simple prayer. The sad thing about this is the fact that lot's of children never are taught much more about this prayer than just the wording. They never teach them who the Lord really is, and what it means to have a soul.
I am not sure what happens in the process of time. Maybe the prayer loses it's cuteness, and appeal, but instead of moving on up to the next level.        The prayer is often left behind, and not replaced with any different form of worship.        I wonder why?           I really don't understand this concept at all.
I believe the whole deal is to let our children know that we are not alone in this world.    We should be teaching them to Honor God by including Him in our fellowship.     I don't think that we can ever show God as much Honor as when we talk with Him.      Often though, we talk at Him, or about Him in ways that He is so far away from us.
Do we even know why we were created to begin with?      Why did father create Adam?    Did He create man for any other reason than to have fellowship with them?       If we know much about God Almighty at all.      I think that we can realize there was no urgent need for Him to create us, but ever since He created us He has been our urgent.         Whether we have enough sense to realize this or not, our lives are not complete with out His presence.
It seems that our Creator left out a vital part that we need desperately to function with completeness. Most of us are well aware that the missing part does exist.     We all call it different things.    We all try to place different items in the whole that was created for the missing part.     Mankind has tried to fill this gap on the inside of us with every thing that has been known to man.     We continue to try until we finally make the connection with the genuine missing part.       His name is Jesus!!
Once we meet with this Jesus, that fits perfectly in the hole that was created on the inside of us. Then we can bring honor, and fellowship to Father.     I don't think that anything can make Father happier than when we come into His presence with fellowship.    Giving all the praise, honor, and glory to His son, without whom we couldn't even be in Fathers presence!!
Today is a brand new day in our lives.     I believe that God is calling me to turn my focus entirely on what Jesus is doing in this hour.        There is a mighty wave coming over our country right now. I am not exactly sure what is going on.       It appears that something is stirring up in a Spiritual realm over the United States.       The best that I can tell is folks are giving glory to men, calling them our lord and savior.        Now, how many of you know that Almight god doesn't share His throne or Glory?
I think that we are going to see God working in preparation for the materialization of the return of His son, Jesus.      I am not trying to trick anybody, or use a fear factor to persuade anybody to come to Christ.      It don't work that way.       Every person has their own free will, and the right to choose, or refuse and reject.      Nothing will slide into the place of salvation.       Your entire family may be believers, but you will not be accepted on their merits.      You have to make your own choice.    Only you, can make that decision.
I think that the ones that have a current relationship with Father are fixing to be witnesses of some amazing things.         I for one am excited to be living in these days.       I just recently move up another level in closeness to the Lord, and can't wait to achieve more understanding.

….......Much Love

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