
Monday, April 15, 2013

A Demonic Force called Depression

Today is the first day, of the rest of your life!!           Wow!!       Now ain't that really saying something. That is unless you are one of those millions of people around the world, that suffer from depression. I am not going to get cute on you, and start throwing words around like acute, and chronic. The main reason is that I am not a Doctor, and the other reason is that I really don't know what they mean.

I do know this little fact that depression, while left untreated, can turn deadly. I have battled with depression for most of my life. There were times that I didn't even know what was wrong, but I knew that there was something seriously wrong. Now I take one small pill a day, and it keeps my entire day in balance.

Oh my!! Did you just hear, what that man that claims, to be a Christian just said? Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,.....I can just hear the Pharisaical religious crowd piping in to tune!! Bring it on, and let's get that great debate started, so it can end just as quick.

I know that my Lord and Savior, can and will heal all those that, He chooses to heal, in the way, that He chooses. I don't know why He doesn't choose, to heal all of us, in a miraculous way. The fact is that He chooses Doctors, to be our source, of healing at times. I personally don't have a problem, with the way that He does, what He does. So far I have been too busy receiving, to take over His job of healing!!

Depression left untreated can turn deadly. I don't know what the numbers are estimated at but, I know that the number would be high, of those that decide, to take their own lives, because of depression. I also have been on that end of the spectrum. If it never takes a person to that extreme, then it has gone far enough.

Depression zaps the joy from a person, a little at a time. It is very subtle, in the way, that it moves on a person. It tells it's victim that it is alright, to feel a little down. That nobody understands what I am going through right now, and if they did they would be more sympathetic to my cause. Depression causes an internal microscope to loose focus on everything except self.

Actually, depression is a demonic tool set up by Satan, to rip God's children right, from His hands!! It can be devastating, on a Christian. It takes the very things that God stands for, and twist them inside out!! It makes people with-drawl from assembling themselves together. This means far more than just going to church. As believers, we should assemble ourselves together, on a daily basis to encourage each other, and enjoy the company of one another.

Everybody knows that there is strength in numbers. Jesus never sent a person on a mission alone. He always sent them of in at the very least, in pairs. We were not created to walk alone. When we wonder off from the crowd that gives Satan his greatest chance, to tempt us with something, that we really don't need.

As human beings we were designed to accomplish a few basic things. First thing is the fact that we were created to worship. The very core of our nature is to worship something. We can't change this, because it is instilled in our basic makeup of our genetics. We must worship something!! Our Creator created us to worship Himself, and at the same time, gave us free will so we could choose, what we wanted to worship, for ourselves.

Don't you find it simply amazing that this little talk started on depression, and has shifted to the way that we were created. Maybe, if we would get back to the way that we were created, and for what we were created to do, we might not have all these troubles. Anyway that we want to take, and look at it, depression is a real issue, and shouldn't be taken lightly. It robs us of the very like that Jesus came to give us. It can happen to anybody, at any given time. Christian, and non-christian alike can suffer from this dilemma the same.

If you suffer from depression, or know somebody that does, make sure to get help for this deadly condition. The world is far too beautiful, for anybody to be hiding out, in our own homes!!
…........Much Love

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