
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Good Start

I am really excited today, about something that I read, in the Bible, this morning. It was a familiar story to me but, this time I had a revelation moment. This story can be found, in the Third chapter, of the book of Acts. However, I want to go back, to the second chapter, to bring this story up to speed.

Let's go back, to the day of Pentecost, with the arrival, of Holy Spirit. When Holy Spirit arrived, He found, all the people, in that upper room, in unity.     Unity is one of the keys, to having Holy Spirit manifest Himself.       For those that are not sure what Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, as He is some times called, is or does. I need to take a paragraph, and shed a little light, on this subject.    Plus, it is always good, for those of us, that know everything already, to have a quick review, from time to time.

Holy Spirit is the third person, in the Trinity. He is fully God. He is eternal, omniscient, or all knowing. Omnipresent, or everywhere at the same time. He has a will, and can speak. Holy Spirit is alive!! He is a person, and the same, as Father, and Jesus in the trinity. Everything that He does, is point right back to Jesus. His main job, is to manifest, the complete works, of Jesus.

In Chapter 2, Holy spirit simply breezed, on in the room, and started having His way, with the Apostles. They were all filled with the Spirit, and spoke in different languages. This didn't stay silent for long, because they were Jews, from other nation, in Jerusalem at that time. They came to see what was going on. The amazing thing was every Jew, no matter what language that they spoke, heard the given Word, in their own tongue.

At this they were nearly all amazed, and praise God that they had heard the word in their own language. Some began to marvel, because they knew, that the men speaking, were Galileans.     They could not understand how that these men, could speak in their own language.     Then it happened.        You know that it always happens.      Everything will be going good, and they always pop up.                 Yep, ….......That's right,...............I am talking about the Haters!!

Those sorry rascals, that simply can't stand to see, a good thing happening. Instead of investigating a matter, it is just so much easier, to find fault, in the situation. I reckon these Haters, have been around nearly forever. I mean what can you do with them?      They are involved, in every situation known to mankind.      I guess that we can still pray, that one day, that glorious healing light, will be revealed to them.        I know that is what it took, for me to start changing, from being a Hater. I used to be a lot worse, than I am now. Thank you Jesus!!

These men must be full of new wine!!     In other words, they were accusing the Disciples, of being drunk.       That must have been the straw, that broke the camels back, for bold Peter.     He immediately stood up, and started addressing the crowd. He said that we are not drunk. It is still the morning time. Bible prophecy is being full filled, from the Prophet Joel. He went on to tell the scriptures, and what they meant. He also took the time to boldly state, the fact that the Jewish leaders, and their followers were guilty, of putting to death, the Savior of the world!!

The men were grieved in their hearts, and ask what they could do to be forgiven. Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift, of the Holy Ghost.      Can you see how awesome that our God really is?     He was more than willing, to forgive those that were guilty, of His crucifixion.

I believe that we are all as guilty, as the next human being, on this earth.    It really don't matter what sin we commit.     Father sees sin, as sin.      He is Holy.       He is so Holy, that He can't even look on sin, without purifying it, with the Fire of God!!    That is why we need Jesus.      Jesus died, so that we could have a relationship with Father.    Both Here on this earth, and to continue on in Heaven.

The price for or sin has already been paid. Now, all that is left, is for us to accept the work, that Jesus finished, on the cross.     Once again it is our choice.     Nobody is going to force anybody to love Jesus.      Father said, “Chose ye this day whom you will serve.”       He went on to give us the answer when He said, “Choose life.”

….......Much Love

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