
Wednesday, April 17, 2013


When I tell most folks that I know, where I live at, I get all kind of different reactions. It seems that somewhere around ninety-nine percent are, of a negative nature. I don't go into a lot of detail, as of why that they feel that way. Mainly, because I simply don't care, and secondly because I don't need anybody to rain on my parade.

I feel blessed to have this place to call my home. I know that it is nothing more than a room, from the outside appearances. I know that there are some rules, that in order to live here, they must be kept. The fact that I can't have any visitors, in my room is right up my ally. That is one of the things, that appealed to me, when I first heard of that rule. I don't want people visiting me. The reason behind that is most of the time, they have a hidden agenda.

Either they are snooping, or want me to give them something. Most of the time they use the word borrow but, in the end it winds up a giving deal. I don't mind helping folks out, when I have something, to help them with. I am in the position of coming back right now, and I really don't have anything to spare right now.

I bought me a lamp today for six dollars, and it simply thrills me to no end to have it. It really sets the mood of having way too much light, to just having the right amount. Right now I am using cardboard boxes as tables. I have my lamp setting on one, along side is my clock radio. The box is covered with a red towel, and it matches the red comforter, on my bed. I also have a red looking, fake Oriental rug, on the floor, beside my bed. I kneel down on it to say my prayers, every morning and night.

My carpet is new, and the color of it is blue. The walls are painted with a fresh coat of white paint. Every thing in, and about this room is fresh and clean. I can never express the feeling, of being blessed, to have this place. It is my home for now, and will be for the next year. My entertainment is my laptop computer. I have several Bible programs downloaded, and my writing software. I also download movies, music, and anything else that I need.

I can't tell you the last time I was bored, because I am very easily entertained. I always have something going on, and most of the time it is writing, or studying the Word. I am captivated, by the knowledge, that is contained, in the Word of God. I love the Bible, and the way that it was written. Every thing, and every situation that we can get ourselves in to, is dealt with somewhere, in the Bible.

If we would just live in the way that the Bible teaches us. You know, eat the right foods, and fast which is eating no food, for different amounts of time. Our bodies were not designed to deal, with the stressful situations, that we put it through. There is pressure being put on us, to live like our neighbors live. We think that we have to have every thing that they do, and even better if possible.

The truth is that we are on this planet, to praise, and worship, our Father God. We are to teach our children the ways of Father, and our grand children the same. Sunday's were not meant to get ahead, or to make somebody else rich. Sunday is a day that supposed to been totally committed to the worship, and praise of Father.

The truth is that most of us don't even know who Father is, or what He is about. It is really sad what a large part of us know about Jesus. We still see Him as a baby in a manger at Christmas time, and still on the cross for Easter. Holy Spirit has got to be the least understood of the Trinity. I grew up thinking that Holy Spirit, was a real good-feel good, if you can imagine what I am saying there.

The real problem, is the fact, that we have replaced what others say about God, instead of learning about Him personally, through a relationship. If we would take the time to form a real relationship, we would be amazed at who, and what we find. Most folks don't really know about Father. The know rumors about Him, and you know what happens to a rumor story: It changes from person to person!!

If I can challenge my readers to do something today. It would simply be to form a real relationship with Father. He is not all that difficult to reach. You start just the way that you start to have a relationship with anybody else; You simply speak to Him.

….........Much Love

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