
Friday, February 22, 2013

That should be enough to humble us

Well, here we go again. I decided to stay in a part of this day. Although, it is kinda hot in this room. I do have my fan running, and pointed in my general direction. I want to bust a myth, or just a common belief about a man named Jesus. A lot of people still picture Him as a baby in a manger. Lying there helpless saying sweet little goo-goo’s, and gaga's.
Another group see Him as buried after hanging on a cross. In their eyes He is still dead. They never have seen anybody that was raised from the dead. Therefore, the whole story of Jesus is nothing more than a myth. I know how hard it is to believe in something that you can't see, little lone something that happened a little over 2000 years ago. I will be the first to admit that the entire story of the Bible seems a little fairy tale-ish, but our Creator is not from this world. He created this world for His people, and if it wasn't for our Creator we wouldn't even be here. We would be nowhere. Absolutely non-existent.
Our problem with our belief system is that it is based upon what we see, and the things that we have been told from others. We think that we are so smart, but we are trying to live in a way that will never bring true happiness. The reason is still because of our belief system we simply refuse to believe what our Creator says about us. Who we are, and why we are here. Who that He is, and what that means to us. Father even sent His son down here to make a sacrifice for our sins.
When Jesus left heaven to come to the earth was only made possible, because of His love for the Father. Father was a Holy God, and wanted to have a relationship with us, but could not because of our sin problem. Jesus came to this earth to give a blood sacrifice for the atonement of our sins, because no one else could do it. Nobody else had pure, sinless blood.
Now Jesus was just as Holy as Father was, so you know that all of heaven was in an uproar about the way that He was treated. You need to realize that heaven is a real place where the occupants can see what is going on down here, at least for now. Somehow we think that this is all about us. When in the greatest form of reality it is all about the One that created us. It is all about Him, and we are His creation.
When Jesus was receiving stripes from a cat of nine tails don't you realize that all of heaven was livid!! They had known that Jesus was nothing short of royalty. He was well loved, and had been a complete blessing to all those that lived with Him. Can you even imagine the horror when they saw a mere mortal man laying hands on their king? Michael could have set Jesus free by himself, little lone the havoc that an entire legion of Angels could have produced.
I want to say this one more time. The only reason that Jesus bore the cross for us was the fact that Jesus loved the Father so much is the only reason He even tolerated a man laying hands on Him. Plus the fact that Jesus really loved us as much as the Father.
The Holy Bible is called Holy because it has the words of life contained therein. It is the story all about our Creator. How He formed the worlds that make up the universe that we live in. That alone should mystify us enough to give reverence, and greatly deserved honor to our Creator. Just being able to create all that we have seen in our world, and how massive that the size of that creation is should simply make us tremble. Tremble at the fact that a being could create all these great things, and turn around and create us. Now when that is put in perspective that should be enough to humble us, and give us a grateful spirit.
Sadly we are confused because we still think that it is all about us. I never did get to the story about Jesus being a full size , all grown up King of Kings, and Lord of Lord's. There really ain't no telling how large that He really is, or can be. I do know that He is the largest force that will blow our minds if we were to see a show of power from Him. Just think about what has been said here today. It might just change your life. It sure has changed mine, and is continuing to change my life.

….........Much Love

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