
Friday, December 21, 2012

And the beat goes on......

I can't believe all the people that thought that the world might would end today. All I got to say about that is the fact if you are one of the ones that have been disappointed, or maybe a little let down,.............Don't give up hope!!        It could still happen, and just for you!!      You still have until midnight, and then if you will play your cards right by hopping over the International date line.......You could still get lucky!!
Seriously,...........If life is treating you that bad you might want to talk with Harold Camping. He could be willing to share with you the secrets that only God has revealed to him about the end!! Living is a riot during times like these. The Mayan prophecy did not even make me think twice.    What they predicted was a long time ago, and honestly,.......I am not sure what they were talking about.     Even though i have read several different theories on the end of the calendar.      I am convinced that their original intention was not declaring that the end of the world would be in 2012.
However,........Harold Camping is a horse of a different color. Mr. C. has spent most of his life involved with Family Radio. I have listened to his radio broadcast think that something was not right about that man. I knew what he was acting like way before I ever knew what being a heretic meant.    The fact that he had convinced basically good hard working folks to donate their lives to him through Family Radio.        Then he refused to return their goods to them after his prediction was proven to be false makes him nothing less than a thief.      A thief standing behind the name of God!!
I don't believe that I am a vigilante for God, because He really doesn't need one. Like I said yesterday these self-proclaiming pastors needs to be exposed before than can do any more harm!!      I can't imagine why Harold would even need any more money, because he is 91 right now.      He spent over 100 million dollars promoting his ridiculously end time prophecy.      Can you imagine how that could have gone toward the true preaching of the Kingdom?
The truth is that he just got caught being stupid!!      There are so many out there claiming to be doing the work of the Lord, and they really put on a great show.       The do a little work in the name of the ministry, but they do it with the left over funds.         What do you mean left over funds?          The funds that they have left after blessing themselves.
It's like God doesn't ask for 10% of our money to go to Himself.            He calls that the Tithe.      A lot of times these Family Ministries will take 100 percent of the money sent into the ministry, and give God the 10% left over.       They don't see anything wrong with operating in that kind of manor, or do they?          They still hide behind the tax write off of the church while claiming no personal profit.      They even write themselves a very small, modest salary.
Why do you reckon that God don't expose more of these fakes?        How can a Holy God tolerate these actions, and for how long?             I think that the Father has a plan for this, the same as He does everything else.           I believe that Matthew 7:21-23 says it all.  Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.(22) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?(23) And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

That is pretty cut and dry!!       Apparently Jesus has no plans of mincing words with those whom made up their own rules.         I really don't think that they will be able to argue much.........Do you?

.............Much Love

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