
Monday, December 31, 2012

Poor Spirit must be worn out.......

Do you remember a game that we would play when we were kids called follow the leader?     Whomever the leader was they would run all over the place making silly gestures. They would run around the same tree twice.       There would be 4, or 5 bushes, and the leader would touch a certain bush, or several bushes, and the object of the game was to mimic the leader.
You had to pay close attention to the detail in which the leader chose to do.    If you were caught making a mistake you were out of the game. The more kids that were playing in a game made seeing the moves that the leader made became increasingly difficult.
Well,......I think that being a Christian in the world today is kind of like playing follow the leader.     Now I am not saying that to be a Christian is not serious business, because it is very serious.        Heaven, and Hell are very real realities, and a decision must be made.      You can say that you will choose later, but that will count toward a choice in favor of hell.        I really don't think that anyone in their right mind would choose an eternity in the pits of hell!!
That is not what my focus is on today.       The focus today is being a Christian, and Jesus is our Glorious Leader.       We are supposed to mimic His moves, and act just as He acts.     We all know that this is an impossible feat.     Jesus is our perfect example of how we should live our lives today. He brought His perfect example to the worlds table over 2000 years ago, and the truth still prevails in the world today.
Fortunate for us, Jesus manifest mercy, and grace in our lives.       We get many chances to get it right each, and every day.          The Word says the the mercies of the Lord are renewed every morning.                The good thing is there is always the right amount........Exactly just enough!!
I think that sometimes as Christian that we put an exceeding amount of pressure on ourselves.     I don't really think that fear, and stress has any place in the life of a Christian.            I believe every time that Jesus ask us to do something He knows what we lack to accomplish the job.     I know that I always am lacking in one area, or another.     I believe with all my heart that He will supply whatever we need to get the job done.
A lot of times in my personal walk He will simply ask me to tell a person something.    I never have even saw this person, and coupled with extreme shyness leaves me in serious trouble on my own strength.        In John 15:5 Jesus is taking about the vine.              He compares Himself to the vine.       He also compares the branches on that vine to me.           Then He drops a bomb of wisdom in the mix when He says without Him I can do nothing!!
Any way that you want to slice that pie without His presence I can not do anything positive, or to the good.       In my own strength I might as well stayed in bed all day, with the sheets pulled over my head!!      If I read that verse right, I still can't manage to do that right without Jesus!!      If I really need Him to accomplish anything at all.........Then why would He ask me to do something, and drop me on my head?
Can you see the point that I am making concerning the Lord using me, or anyone as far as that goes? I think that we get over concerned with our performance that often times we miss the mark.     Please don't let Holy Spirit ask us to give something away to somebody that actually has a need for it......Especially money!!
Oh no!!        I can her you talking to me right now, but you are cracking up.       The words that you are speaking sounds like you want me to do something that I can't quite make out.       You might need to get some rest, and tell me again later.          Poor Spirit must be worn out, because I thought that I heard Him speaking about cash, .........and five dollars ain't easy to come by!!
Why do put so much value on a piece of paper?       We will hold on to a dollar bill with vengeance!!       Don't we realize that Jesus is more interested in our obedience than the little cash that we have hidden in our secret place?        As Christians we need to get our priorities in order.      We need to put our faith, and trust in the only One that is worthy of all our complete attention!!            If we ever can get to the point of living like Jesus will return in the next hour.......Then we will see the world changing for the better.

…............Much love

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