
Monday, December 17, 2012

The horror and living hell of Hollywood

The horror and living hell of Hollywood has drifted down to invade all the folks of the world!! Everything has become a fantasy in life. It continues to grow in force each and everyday.       Would you believe me better if I showed you some valid living examples?         Yeah,.......Maybe that would help.
The first example that I want to share with y'all is the fact that nobody wants to show any age anymore. I commend older folks for staying fit in their golden years. It has to make the transition much more bearable.         Still,.....This isn't what I am talking about.
Women start piling make-up on their faces at a real young age, and it eventually causes creators to appear in their faces. What they could have used as appealing effect has now grown into a mandatory event every time that they go in public. They become ashamed of the way that they have grown to look, and simply being unappealing to the sight is their only alternative.
Ever see pic of Hollywood's most beautiful women without their make up on? No wonder the Paparazzi gets paid big bucks for those pictures.           They show the ugly truth in a very vivid way.
I know that I inserted a very long link, but I think that you will be amazed at the real ugly truth of fantasy land.      I also believe that most of these folks have made a deal with Satan with their souls for their popularity. The good thing is that it wasn't their own souls to be making any deals. They can already see what they have gotten in return for the deal that they made, and they still have the opportunity to set the record straight.
Have you ever seen so many wearing wigs?               Yep,........That's right,..............I am gonna say it!!                Especially,...............Especially the black women!!                 I know that they say that it is real hard to manage their hair, …......But why not be who you really are?        If you need to keep it short..........Just keep it short.                I am really going to climb out on a limb, and say this.        The most beautiful black women that I see are those that deal with their own hair!!            Now,......I am not saying that some of the wigs don't make y'all look really attractive, because they do.               It is just,.......At least to me,......I know that it is not real.                I like my women real!!                That is all that I am going to say about that!!
I don't know how much attention that y'all pay to people. I know that I probably notice too much. My deal is that I don't talk a whole lot, and I rarely miss much.             I need to ask a question......Please.             Can you tell when a person tries to cover their gray over?                I can, and probably because I used to do it myself.      I can see all the tell tale signs.
It seems that every man, and woman over the age of thirty,........I need to back up,......A whole bunch of people try to hide their gray!!      Maybe I need to back up to the place when I was doing the same thing. I did it because I was deceived into thinking that if I didn't color over my gray that I wouldn't ever get the beauty queen.        
You know,..............This is so sad............I have never had but one beauty queen in my whole lifetime.     She wasn't really mine.      She belonged to another man.          Actually,......She belonged to a couple other men. I loved that girl with all of my heart!!               Actually, a part of me still loves her despite her viciousness, and bitterness that has come with her aging.      She was the only girl that I ever dared to really love completely.
See folks............I have too been affected by the Hollywood way of living. Most of my life has been a fantasy, or at least from my perspective.
Nothing actually is what it appears to be in the Hollywood life. Promises are made at the sake of your body depending on your performance of your sexuality.           There is nothing sacred either.     Men with men, and women with women      . Everything has flipped upside-down. I          t has spread like wildfire throughout the entire world. No wonder a lot of people don't believe in God!!              Who would need a God when they have a Hollywood fantasy life to give them all that they desire,.......But that is where our problems lie in our desires..............May be continued

,................Much Love


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