
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Deception can be Over-Whelming

I was so amazed today.      This very young lady, actually,.......She was 21.     For my age I could have called her a baby, and still wouldn't been that far off track!!       Seeing how we live in a world of political correctness,........She was an adult!!       OK.       Back to this story!!
She was a stunning beautiful lady that talked Jesus Christ the whole time that she was there. There were times that I was close to her, and could hear her better, and times at a distance.     I don't miss many conversations about Jesus, because I have this radar inside of me that goes off at the sound of the Name!!           The only unfortunate thing about it is the fact that it is just as sharp on blasphemy.
I heard her say that they didn't go to church much, because they would look at her fiance in a funny, or judging way.      I just assumed that maybe her man was white, or something different from her. Oh,......I failed to mention that this stunning young woman was from the black culture.    My bad!!
I thought that when I got closer to her again I would invite her to attend at my church. We have all different kinds of folks just loving, and hugging on each other. I have never seen a bitter moment between any two different cultures.      I knew that they would make ourselves right at home!!
As I was getting closer to her she was telling somebody that God had a mission for her. She was to stand on a hill pointing folks to Jesus.     I must have missed some of the story, because I never could make a lick of sense from it.       I really just assumed that she knew what she was talking about by her demeanor.    She was cool, and calm with her speech.      She was really careful not to be offensive to any of those around her.         She talked with great intensity spreading love all crossed the room.       She was attracting men and women to her ….Mostly men.
I was standing there doing something that I know better than to be doing.      I was comparing myself to her!!        We should never compare ourselves to anybody but Jesus should be the example that we set our goal on!!          We can never measure up to anybody else.       Often times we simply excel right on past them without really knowing the truth.        Ever wonder why being equal is failure in the judging game?
I knew that I would get a chance to tell her about my church while were at the kiosk machine together.     I didn't want to miss that opportunity.         I can't imagine anybody not going to church because of being judged.      I walked up to the kiosk next to her, and started to speak.    Another guy walk up, and interrupted the start of our conversation........................Then it happened.............That still soft voice said....Shh...........listen.
I was standing there listening when my jaw hit the floor with a serious bang!!        It was the most appalling thing that I could have ever imagined coming out of her mouth.       She said that her fiance was a girl!!        Hold on a minute!!        I didn't even see that one coming at all!!       I reckon that the guy talking to her was as freaked out as I was, because he simply mumbled one word.         Really?       While she was saying how serious that she was he turned, and walked away.
I was so freaked out that when she said what was it that I was saying..........I can't tell you what I said, but an invitation to my church would not be on the agenda!!      It took me a while to make any sense from all this madness!!          I was over-whelmed with a feeling that I am not sure what it was!!
How could a homosexual woman whom Almighty God calls the act an abomination to Him, talk so loving and tenderly about Jesus Christ?      How could she have had me jealous of her sense of appeal, and approach to mankind?          How can she say,.....With all confidence that Jesus has a special mission in life for her to complete?         More than all these questions comes the question of “Why?”
I was simply blowed away. Then this scripture came to mind. 2 Corinthians 11:14.. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

I know that this was a lesson,...... that I need to learn something from........,.. and I am not sure what it is of yet.      I know that it has a powerful hidden message inside of this lesson.         I will spend the next few days, or however long that it takes to get this down in my Spirit.

…..............Much love

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