
Friday, August 16, 2013

Ain’t God good?

You might have noticed, that here lately, I keep saying the same phrase. That little phrase is, “Ain’t God good.” I am sure, that some of my readers realize, what is going on here. Just in case, there are some those that don’t know, or haven’t realized this yet. I will be more than happy, to share the wealth, of this phrase of praise!! 
You see my friend; we are all going through troublesome times. The great thing is that we rarely go through them, at the same time. The first gift that Father gives us is a friend, whom is stable during, our time of grief. There is a second gift also, and I can back this one up, with a scripture. 1Corinthians 10:13  There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.
That is only a gift to His children. Those who are not children, of the most High God, suffer horrendous pain, from time to time. See without Jesus in our lives, we are open game, for the wiles of the devil. I can never completely tell you all the reasons, that I believe that Father is good to me. Some of the reasons I can’t even put in human terms, which can be understood!! That is how good that my God is, and I know that I am not alone. Acts 10:34  Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
How do you feel about that? If God did it for anybody else, He could do it for us. That is a totally awesome thought, and the power of the scripture to back it up!! Although, and I am serious about this personal word. You might want to read, about all the situations, in the lives, of those that you might desire, to be blessed in the way that they were.
I think that I would leave my blessing up to Father, because it seemed to come with an attached curse. The curse was the human, whom was trying to manage, the gift of God. You, and I both know, that anything that comes from God is totally perfect in design, and application. The problem lies within us, when we take a perfect, wonderful gift, and try to place our unique human spin on it!!           Does anybody know what I mean?
It seems to me, that a human being cannot, handle a Heavenly gift, straight from our Creator. It also seems that our Heavenly Father is continuously looking, for one of His children to bless!!
Please don’t take me wrong, because the Word, of the Living God is full, of success stories. However, I can’t find anyone, which handled the blessing of God, in a totally successful way. They all fumbled, and stumbled at first, until they went back to the source, and followed the guidance. 
Wow!!             I thought that you were going to explain, the use of that phrase?  The truth is that I am really trying, but how can a person explain that kind of phrase. Ain’t God good?  How can a man like me, explain, how an infinite God is good, with a finite mind?  How can a man, or woman, explain the goodness of their Creator, and do our Creator justice? Is there really any end to how good, that our God really is?
Do you realize, that the Holy Bible is nothing more, than a letter of love, from our Creator God? Can I get real with you right now? That is something, which I simple don’t understand. I really have a problem comprehending something more, than the ways of Father. I know how difficult that can be at times. Although, I realize that I simply, don’t have to understand, every way of God.
What I really have the most trouble understanding is how, some folks deny that God exist!! I don’t understand that at all!! How can you not know, that there is somebody watching over us? How can you not know, that there is more to life, than what we do here? What makes people think that it is all about them? I think, that must be the most selfish, form of existence.
How can folks really, with any form of intelligence, think in this manner?  Do any of my readers, feel the same way, or am I the lone ranger, in this way of thinking? Actually, this is the scariest thought that I ever have. What if I was, one of these people, whom think in this manner?
I don’t think that I could handle this way of life. It is totally scary to think, that he outcome of my life, was dependent, on my actions. I am a total screw-up, and without Jesus in my life, there would be no hope for me. I am so glad, or happy, or elated, or any other word, that ever could describe my need, for Jesus in my life
Ok. I am thinking that I have expressed this horror, of a fear, especially when it is not true enough!! There is not, but one more thing, that I have to say in this post.          Ain’t God good?
…..Much Love

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