
Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Ship of Fool's!!!

I often get video’s from the library, about religious events, and Biblical things that have happened. I can’t help but laugh, because these people don’t have a clue what is really going on. They take the events that our God has done, and try to prove, that it was nothing more, than some natural phenomenon. The part that really gets me is how hard, that they struggle to disprove, that it really was an act of God.
You know what really amazes me the most of all? It is the fact that people actually waste their time, trying to prove, that Father doesn’t exist. You know that I am an ole country boy, but why would anyone, waste their time trying to prove, that anything don’t exist? I mean how many people you see, in this world today, trying to prove that Peter Pan did not really exist, as a live human being?
Seems to me that if they are trying to prove anything doesn’t exist, that they realize that it does. I don’t know why it is so hard to believe, that our existence had a beginning. Seeing how we are really intelligent people, there had to be a creator. The creator of all that we know calls Himself God, and He even has a manual for living, called the Bible. Everything will go the way that Father desires it to go, and He has held nothing back from us. All we have to do believe!!
Can I get sentimental for a few minutes?  I remember when I was a child going to school we were taught to be patriotic. We were taught to give honor to God, and to honor the country that we live in. Every morning we said the Lord’s Prayer with our heads bowed, and then placed our hands over our hearts, while reciting the salute to the flag of our country.  
I also remember before a sporting event started a prayer was said, and everybody turned toward the American flag, while singing the National Anthem. It seemed that honoring God, followed by honoring our country was a natural flowing event. It would only seem natural, since our country was founded by men seeking religious freedom to worship the Creator of all. It used to be a great honor to live in the United States of America.
Living in the United States of America is like being on a ship of fools!! We are leading the world in a riot against our Creator. Right now the Supreme Court of the United States is ruling, on the rights of homosexuals. I didn’t realize that homosexuals had any rights, other than the right to repentance!! Father has already said what that He considers them to be, and that’s an Abomination.( Leviticus 20th chapter)
In our country right now we are promoting homosexual activity, and also promotion legalized abortion. That is simply slapping Father in the face!! Father said to be fruitful and multiply, while talking with Jacob, for a reason.(Genesis 35:11) We are trying to replace God with ourselves, and it simply will not work.
All over our country the ones with any Spiritual discernment are calling for prayer, for the leaders of our country. Jesus taught His believers how to tell the difference, between those that are with Him, and those that are against Him. It was so simple a statement;    Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Right now the President of this country is praising the Supreme Court ruling on homosexuality. I believe it would be safe to say that our President has a tree full of rotten fruit!! I believe that there was a time that he would be impeached from his office, simple because he made a statement like that. The only difference today is the majority of this country is corrupt, and on their way to hell.
If we are to pull out of this situation it will take an act of war, and the Christians, are the only ones qualified to fight in this battle. We must do what Father has told us to do. We go to war on our knees!! 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I am asking all of my readers, in all the countries of this world, to join with the people in America, with praying for our current administration. There is no reason for anybody to be cast into the pits of hell, and the way that I, and many others see it, that is where they are headed. Our country and the entire world  is in need of prayer!!

 …….Much Love

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