
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Truly a Video of Reality!!

I must admit that I have pretty much checked out of society, and became sold out on God. I have not had a television set, or at least one where I could see the news, since 2010. Most of the world events, my only brush with them has been through here say. Most of the things I would hear about, I would take a very syndical attitude about. I knew that I was living in a very depraved world, that was about to check out of its existence. I honestly didn’t want much to do with the state of the world affairs.
It seems like every time that I would hear about some large event happening, I would just blow it off, until the next one reared its ugly head up. Then I would do the same with the next one that came alone. I guess with all that stuffing, of the chaotic tragedies, of the world away; can make a man grow numb to it all.
Something happened last night in my Spirit, while I was watching this video. I saw, and felt a conformation in my Spirit, that Jesus Christ is going to return to this earth!!  I am not putting a timeline on His return. However, I do feel that it will be during my lifetime, and I am fifty years old right now.
I know that there will be good folks sent to hell. I am talking about those that live an honorable lifestyle. Those that belong, and are active in a church and those that gives to the needy. Those that have dedicated their entire lives, to the medical field, and those little sweet ladies, that answer the phones, at the suicide hot line.
There will be a lot of good people splitting hell wide open, because of their own bad choice. Nobody is going to miss hell unless they accept Jesus Christ, and the work of the cross. You have to know in your heart, that you are a sinner. Father said that the only sacrifice that would appease Him requires a blood sacrifice. However, it had to be a blood sacrifice that was pure, and sin free.
That is why Jesus came to this earth. The only reason that He showed up was to supply that pure sacrifice of blood. Those that can’t find it in their hearts to accept that fact are doomed!! Actually, it seems to be a no brainer choice. Today is the day to make that simple choice. It boils down to life or death, however we can’t die. We are going to live on forever…….

             …………..Much Love

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