
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Church!!

I did something in the month of June that I must say has just tickled me. I joined a church, and just not any church either. It is a pentecostal church!! I guess that I need to back up here for a minute, and add some details to make this a bona fide story. If I stop right here I’ve only shared with y'all a statement.

I guess I’ll give you the quick version, because I would rather spend your time wisely telling you about my church today. However, I must take y'all back first to a time long,....long,....long ago, to a land far,.....far,....far away.

I was seventeen years old in North Alabama. Actually,...........it was Sand Mountain where I lived, and grew up. Yep,.....that's right,.........that's where I got my training!! Hey,..........wait a minute,.........that's a different story!! back to this story!!

Honestly,....I’m having a good time telling you a tragic story that set my life on a downward spiral that I only recovered from by the grace of God, and nothing more.

I was in church one morning when the preacher gave the alter call. He kept begging, and pleading that this might be someone's last chance to get it right. That the person might be killed before the next opportunity would arise. Then finally he called out my name!!

I was shocked because I felt in my heart that me, and God was alright with our relationship. I figured that he might know something that I didn't, so I went down front. I knelt down to the alter to pray, and I felt this hand on my back. Immediately,...........cold chills shot through my body, and a great fear set upon me to the point that it took my breath!! I jumped to my feet, and ran out the back door of the church. I don't know what really happened that day, but I didn't walk into another church for five years. Once I did walk in one I was so cold that they couldn't touch me, and they didn't want to either!!

That's just the brief story,................Now on to greater day's!!

Like I said before, in June I joined Evangel Temple Assembly of God. Now,....is that a mouthful,....or what? I love this church!! I love everything about it!! Do you know what is really cool about this church? Nothing that they do flips me out, or scares me,..............and that's really saying something for me!!

Now you must remember that I said that it was a Pentecostal church. They are well known for being different. If I’m going to be honest about what I am saying, and I plan to be brutally honest. Then I must say that this church is not for everybody. The reason that I say that is because God visits us every time that the doors are open, and some folks can't handle that kind of presence.

I'm not saying anything new here. The Israelite people had a fear of the presence of God when Moses was dealing with Him on Mt. Sinai. They sent him up the mountain, and said that they would wait there until Moses returned to tell them what God had said.

We believe in healing, and have people testify all the time of being healed. They speak in tongues. I say that they do, because so far I haven’t even mumbled a word of it, but I really expect to one day. Sunday was the first time that I saw somebody “ slain in the Spirit ” in my church. Actually, I saw two people go out while the preacher had his hands on them praying.

We have an Awesome praise and worship team that leads us in singing praises. Most people in my church participate in worship, but there are those that just spectate. That was one of my prayers so I could be a part of the ones that participate. I had to get over my extreme shyness, but it was well worth it!!

We are kinda big, and support over 130 missionaries in countries all over the world. We have a Television, and internet ministry. We support a great prison ministry, and build a church every month in a foreign country. We have programs for people of all ages, inside and outside the church.

I would like to invite you to attend a church that really loves people, and supports their children. If you can't be here in Jacksonville in person then please check us out on the internet live. Maybe some of the archived sermons on the web site that I have on the top right side of my blog would lift your spirits!!

now,............i gotta go!! I just can't tell you what a difference this church is making in my life today. The real difference is God,................and He attends at the temple!!

…..........Much Love

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