
Monday, October 29, 2012


a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2): an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking (3): an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure

                        What I've learned...............finally!!

If something appears to be one way,..............................and it stays that same exact way, or get's better over time........in the background is God at work.

I'm totally amazed to see God working out a thing in the lives of His people. Knowing if He wanted to,... a matter could change in an instant. Being who the Father is just naturally makes His workings very impressive. No one is capable of the style and charm of our Father!!

I'm sure that you can say that I'm severely biased, and I will simply agree with you with a smile a crossed my face. A smile as wide as a country mile!! Something has changed in my life that brings great joy to my heart. I really can't remember a time in my life when I didn't claim to know Jesus Christ,......... but there is a difference between knowing about,...................and having a relationship with!! The latter is an awesome way to live.

I am amazed at the way people rebel at the very thought that there might be a God. However, I spent years living in total rebellion to a fact that I knew deep down in my heart existed. I was sure and quite convinced that God did exist, and is in control. I know that in these times it seems that nothing, nor nobody is in control. The entire world is in utter chaos, and every day we hear of another senseless tragedy that has taken place.

We hear the common phrase, ( where is God while this was going on? ) the glorious reality is the fact that God is in the same place that He was when His Son,..............Jesus Christ was hung on a cross.

You know,...................I will not act like I know everything about the Father. I surely don't know why He set up everything the way that it is. I've thought quite often, and wondered,...............why? Why is this a certain way, and not the way that I would have chosen for it to be? Didn't God realize that my way would be a much easier, and simple plan for life?

Yeah,.................that's right,..............I have even in my foolish state of being thought that I could have done somethings better than God!! Now,..........How ridiculous is that? I was in a serious need to discover who God is, and I needed to do it quick!!

I know that I might sound like a fool to some folks, but I’m doing something that I've never did before in my life. I'm having a real, honest to goodness relationship with my Creator!! I'm getting to know the person of Jesus Christ, and God the Father. To my surprise there is another in the mix, and His name is Holy Spirit!!

Yeah,..............Yeah,.................Yeah,..............I can imagine what you are thinking,................but do you really know Him for who He really is? Most of my life I've been guilty of a travesty. I seen Holy Spirit not as the person that He is,...... but,......... as a thing, or just another fact. Maybe I've saw Him as,....just the way that it is. I'm not sure how I really saw Holy Spirit, but I do know this,................I saw Him all wrong.

…...................Much Love

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