
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Memorial Day was Monday....

Today is Memorial Day in the United States of America. It is a day that we remember, and honor those that have fallen defending this great country. Americans spend this day in different ways. Those who have active military members of their family serving will usually attend a service, in their honor. The family members of those that have fallen usually will do the same. There are parades all crossed this nation, and festivities.
Most people will have a cook out or a picnic with their families. It is basically a day to be spent with our families doing whatever it is that we enjoy doing together. We can do these things, because of the freedom that we have, because somebody else gave their lives fighting, for that freedom.
Our country was founded because of religious persecution. Our English ancestors were controlling folks that demanded that everybody worshipped the same way that they did. I really don’t know what that way was either. I know that the founding fathers of this nation lived by the principals of the Bible. The United States Constitution when it was written was under the same principals of the Bible.
One of the books that were taught from in the early Public School Systems was the Bible. I can remember in my elementary school, a devotional was read every morning, followed by a prayer. One other thing that sticks out in my mind was, before all sporting events, a prayer was said. I was surrounded by people that prayed, and believed in Jesus Christ.
Something happened though, and things started to change. All of a sudden the morning devotional and prayers stopped in school. There wasn’t even a verse from the Bible being read in class. There were no more prayers being said, before the boys engaged in battle, on the sporting fields, and courts in school. There was a petition to remove the Ten Commandments, from every location in the court houses, of our judicial system. I would believe if ever the wisdom of God was needed, it would be in our judicial system!!
I don’t remember exactly what the national polls revealed, but it was some ridiculous number like, eighty-five percent of all Americans are Christians. The reason that I say that number is ridiculous is the fact that if it were even close to accurate, things would be different. We would read the Bible, and pray in school. We would pray before sporting events. We would have the Ten Commandments on every wall of our court houses.
There are a lot of things that we would not be doing, or considering doing. We would not even have our lawmakers considering allowing same sex marriages, in any state of our country, little lone having in legal nationwide. We would believe Father when He says that it is an abomination to Him. We wouldn’t even be thinking about taking, “In God we trust,” off of the American currency.
It does appear that Satan has our country wrapped up in a hand basket, and being delivered, straight to hell!! We have so much crime being taken place in the open daylight hours now. The murder rate is at an all-time high. The numbers are simply alarming. The rate that people are dying needlessly is ridiculous, whether by murder, over-dose, or suicide. We can’t rule out those who get killed committing crimes either.
We have homosexuals involved in the making of our laws in this country. They are teaching our children in the public school systems, and influencing their tender little minds in grade schools, and kindergarten. There is no wonder that so many folks home-school their children.
There is a solution to the problem in America. It is found in the second book of Chronicles, chapter seven, and verse fourteen: 2Ch 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
I really hate to say this, and this is only my opinion of the situation, but I can’t see this happening. I would hope that it would. However, I believe that things have gone too far in our nation. Maybe when Gods judgment falls upon us there might be a change. I really can’t see it happening before that though. I could be wrong, and I really hope that I am in this situation.
I heard this statement made not too long ago. A preacher said, “That if God didn’t have his judgment fall on the United States. That He needed to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah!!” I know how bad that sound, but our country has got just that far from how we started out.
                          America needs prayer!!
                     ……..Much Love

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