
Thursday, May 2, 2013

“Shock Tactics!!”

The is this totally amazing woman here, where we live, in Jacksonville Florida. She is originally from. the country of Africa. She is very traditional, of the country, that she is from, in every way, that I can see. I am sure that she is homeless, and has been, for the last twenty years, and maybe longer. Her outer dress appearance is always the same. I only think, that the appearance is the same. I don't think, that she is always wearing, the same clothes.

The reason being, is that she always has, two very large, black, cloth bags, with her every time, that I see her. If she qualifies to be a bag lady, she doesn't qualify, in the American, traditional sense, of the word. You can see here traveling, from place to place, and she always, has these two bags with her. The thing that separates her, from the rest, is the fact that she carries, these two very large bags, on her head!!

I don't know how she puts both, of those bags, on her head, because the bags themselves, are a little over three feet tall combined. This lady is only a hair, over five feet herself!! I have set and watched, for her to get under those bags, because I am nosy about, those kinds of issues. The reality is, that I have never yet, been able to see, how she does it.               Oh well....Maybe one day!!

The reason that I have even brought her up, other than the fact, that she is really interesting to myself. Is the fact, that part of her other, outer ware is made up, of some hand painted signs. These are white background signs, with red letters. These are pretty much what I call, “Shock Tactics!!” The end is near!!               Repent!!               The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!!      Plus, a few others, that are less abrasive.

Please don't take me wrong. If the Lord, has called this lady, and others, into this kind of ministry, that is fine. John the Baptist, had a ministry similar. I am not going to say, that it is noneffective, in any way. What I am saying is, in today's society, and the normal amount, of pressure that we live under everyday, of our lives. I think that a different approach, might be better.

I believe that most modern day folks, are looking, for a solution. They have been scared, to the point, that they have grown, pretty much fearless!! Part of the fact, is that I do believe, that we are living, in the end times. I do believe that, the return of Jesus will be, in my lifetime. I also believe that we as Christians need to step up our end time effort.

However, I don't believe, that I will personally, lead anybody, even in the direction of Christ, using scare tactics!! In the world that we live in, and mostly, because of modern communication technology, we have saw it all.          CNN reports of active war, live in progress.      We see children starving to death, live while in the process.       At any time, that we are in a store in America, we risk a robbery taking place.     No matter what time of day, or night that it might be!!

There is so much more, that I could say about this, but you get the point. I know that you understand, even much better ,if you have saw the effects of war in person. Maybe you live, in a country, that still uses stones, for capitol punishment. I don't think that I could hold my lunch, while viewing that form of madness!! There is total devastation crossed this globe.

God is love. (1John 4:8,16) I have heard my entire life, that you can catch more flies with sugar, rather than with vinegar. I can't think, of anything sweeter, than our God's love, for His children. John was a great teacher, on the love of God. Although, he did realize that there is, a different side to Father. A lot of people still think of Jesus either, as a baby laying in a manger, or hanging, on a cross.

Although, that was very true at one time. Both of these statements, were true at one time, in history. Things do change, and Jesus is very alive!! The next time that Jesus shows up, on the earth, in a physical body, it will be nothing like the last time. This time, He is coming, as the risen, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.        But........

I love the word but!!               But changes everything behind it. The only reason that Jesus, came in the first place, was because of Father's great love for us. Jesus came to redeem us back to Father. Plain and simple. There was no other reason that he did come. He came strictly, on a mission, to make away back home for us. We were lost.(Luke 19:10) States that Jesus, came to seek, and Save those that are lost.

Honestly, there is a lot that goes with that, but all you need to know for now. Is the fact, that Jesus came to Save you, and get you back home safely to Father. If you accept Jesus, and the work of the cross, for your Salvation, then all those “Shock Tactics,” won't have any effect on you.

…..........Much Love

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