
Monday, August 2, 2010

i give in to what ever has a hold of me..........

I've not been known as a quitter, but i give up. I'm not even sure what that means right now either. I've become the biggest failure on this earth, and i can't take even one more. everything that I've even tried to do this year has went straight to hell, and i can't take anymore.
i started writing this blog to get even better at my life. i know it's not the blog doing this, but i can't continue to write in such misery. if i can't tell tales of a good life then why tell any tales at all.
i don't need a perfect life. i know that it comes varied, but this is ridiculous. i never felt like such a loser in my life. i have failed at all, or at least most attempts that I've made this year.
until farther notice, when my life gets not so corrupt as it is now, i will cease to write anything at all. if i can't have a message of hope, then this is worthless!!
this is Mr. illusion of confusion signing off until a better day arrives!!

1 comment:

  1. So does this mean that you are still in your house and still have your computer? I guess it would be kind of hard to blog from a tent in the woods.
    I hope you get your life together soon. Good luck.
