
Sunday, May 30, 2010

God bless America

I'm really grateful that i was born in this country. just being born here set me up for a higher advantage than if i was born in any other. America was founded on principals directly from the word of God, so He had to bless us richly, or He would make a liar of Himself.
we have come a long way as a nation. we have made some mistakes, and learned from them. we moved on into greatness. we take care of our own, and branch out into the rest of the world to help in times of great need. we have went and fought on foreign soil to set free those that are oppressed. we have feed people that live in barren lands, and educated them to feed themselves. we have sacrificed ourselves going to disease ridden lands taken much needed medication , so others can live. we've done all this and so much more.
this is a great country!! we offer refuge to all those that seek it. something however has changed. most of us has elders that came to this country from other ones. they all have to take a test if they wanted to be citizens of our nation. we even helped them pass that test, and best as we could. all we required was to have some basic knowledge of our history.  be capable of supporting themselves . speak one common language, and pledge allegiance to the united states of America.
what happened to that one simple rule? do we not enforce it any longer? why is Spanish becoming the second language of our country? don't get me wrong, i have no problem with the Latin culture. i think that they are beautiful, peaceful people. they tend to stick to themselves, and don't cause problems usually.
there is one problem though. most refuse to communicate in the language of the nation. this is America, and we welcome them to work, and live here, but wasn't the language a part of the deal?
another problem is went they put a strain on our economy by living of welfare. shouldn't Americans have needed to pay into this program to receive benefits from it?
like i said before, in America we take care of our own, but why are we taking care of those that are here illegally? quite a few have slipped over the border, never paid any taxes, and don't work, or at least don't pay taxes on the work that they do, and live off welfare.
i think for the good of this country that we should have a national exodus day. all those that are here that don't belong here, we should do one more good thing for them, and send them back where ever they came from to begin with. then welcome them back with open arms if the decide to come back like every other immigrant has in the past.

i love living here. there is nowhere better that a person can live. as Americans we stick together. we vote on our nations leaders, and the majority rules. what we want as a nation, or who we want as a nation to lead us is solely based on our wishes. we can change most thing just by saying that we want a change.
i got to give a shout out to our current president of our country Barrack Obama. the first black president of the united states of America. he has over come so many obstacles in his run.
you know that being from Alabama, and growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood, i have no problem with a black president. especially, if he were voted in by my fellow Americans. I'm an American, and i stand behind the power of the vote. i do think that William h Cosby, better know as bill Cosby would  have made a better choice.
i think that Americans were deceived  in their vote. i don't think that Obama qualified to be the president. the first election in the history of the U.S., and why couldn't we know for a fact that he was born in this country? it don't take much to qualify for president, but being born here is one requirement.
my second problem with barrack is the fact that his who family is devout radical muslims. the apple don't fall too far from the tree. he claims that he is a Christan, but if i claimed that i was a muslim would it make it true? how can a christian nation support a president that acts like a heathen? he is anti-God on several issues. I'm sure you remember who God is, and the role that our founding fathers placed on Him in the establishment of our nation.
the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil was on 9-11-2001. does anybody remember that? it was orchestrated a devout radical muslim. just the name of barrack hussein Obama should have sent fear in the hearts of the American voters.
like i said before, i am an American. i hold fast to what the people of this country wants. i realize that we made a mistake, and the best that we can do is learn from it, and do better next time.

one more thing: our founding fathers new the importance of God in the lives of Americans. they also realized the importance of freedom of religion. in this country you are free to choose what you believe in with no adverse consequences. God is every where in our documents. He is all over our money. He is the original thought behind the beginning of this country. a really high percentage of American say that they believe in God.
I'm  really confused.  if so many believe in God, then why are we letting a few take Him away from us? if only 51%, said that God is the basis of this country, then the 51% would rule!!
our country is going to hell quick. God is not allowed anywhere any more. can't pray in public, nor in the schools. look at the mess that's caused in our school systems. God is not allowed in our courtrooms anymore. are we actually saying that we are smarter than God now, and don't require any guidance from Him?
how did all this happen? can't we take back our nation, and allow God to continue to bless us? we once were know as a super power, and know we are known as a failing nation. the rest of the world is laughing at us. we once were looked up to for our level of intelligence, and highly revered as a well sought after friend and ally, and now we have become the laughing stock of the world. the real problem is that were just to damn smart to realize what we're missing.

God bless America, but why would He?            hell,............we are smarter than He is now!!!               we can only hope, and pray that He will have mercy on us.

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