
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i reckon that i'm greatly a fear'd.................

i guess that men are just the different species, but i really don't know. i guess that i should just say that I'm a different species. i know more about myself than any other man on this earth.  the reason being is that men, real men, just don't seem to worry about the same things that the women do.
I'll give you an example: if a man is doing something, and cuts himself. he will usually just wipe the blood away until it stops bleeding, or just let it settle, and seal the wound.
a woman, on the other hand, if she just gets a scratch, i'm talking about a scratch with little or no blood involved , will stop whatever she is doing. she does this because to her it's a big deal. she heads immediately to the medicine chest, and gets a hand full of items. she starts with a cleaner, then several other items, and ends with a bandage.
i do appreciate when they do this to themselves. i think it's great to have a woman with smooth, soft, unblemished skin. anytime you see a scar on a woman, it had to be something bad that caused it to happen.
on the other hand, when a man does something to himself, and a woman sees it happen, she heads into action.
i don't understand this. it's good that they do this to themselves, but i think it's a waste of time to act this way with me. I've got more scars of my body that most folks can count. they is a few of them that i call trophy scars. if you ever make the mistake of asking what happened, you best sit back and get ready to hear the story behind it. the bad thing is that most of them came from sheer stupidity, and hurt like hell at the time. however, today they have become a conversation piece for me to try to attract you, and let you know how stupid i was,  smiling the whole time.

i love women. they were truly God's gift to man. some of them are to teach you what you don't need in life, and some of them, the special ones, to make us the best that we can be. a good woman can change a man's world for the better. a bad choice will make a man wish that he was never born!!
my best friends are women. most of all my friends are women that i talk, and confide in, on a regular basis. the bad thing for me is that i don't usually have but one, or two at the time that have earned the highest rank of my trust.
i don't understand why, but they seem to take breaks from Mr. illusion of confusion. the good thing is that don't usually do it at the same time, and i can never know when it's gonna happen, and how long it will last.

this week has been a new experience for me, both my girls are staying away from me. maybe i should just look at it as a vacation, but i reckon that I'm greatly a fear'd that i have nobody to share the things with, of my everyday life!!
I'm talking about the madness of my everyday stuff. the kinda of stuff that's not worthy of writing in a blog. the stuff you just tell those you trust to keep your sanity partially intact. the stuff that actually means nothing to nobody but you, but these most trusted friends make it personal to them.
this week has been extra full of madness. it might be blog worthy later on, and I'm sure that i will, but today i just need to filter it through one of my friends.

i guess what i really need to be doing is telling these women how much they really mean to me. maybe i don't do it enough, and they might have forgotten. my sanity is totally dependant on and,at least one of you being in my life at all times.
maybe they are growing tired of my crap to begin with. i know that i can be a strain on most people. maybe i need to find someone else to tolerate my stuff now. I've probably pushed these two into a breaking point of their own.
the really bad thing is that i don't feel either one of these women can be replaced!! a lot of people in my life are expendable. most people are actually. i replaced all the people in my life so many times that it's not even funny, but not these two though, and they are very special to me in entirely different ways.
well,........what to do now?   I've stated my story as best that i could. i don't have any idea what else to say. i guess that i will simply give these girls the break that they deserve.
i just hope that i have some sanity left when they come back!!

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