
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

ususual.............or what?

this change in weather has been great. i actually opened all the windows in the house last night, or yesterday, and left them open last night while i went to bed. i got up at the crack of dawn this morning, and the temperature was already  65 degrees.
this entire week has been unseasonable warm though. at the last recollection that i had it was still February. the funny thing is i walked outside this morning wearing a pair of black socks. i guess that i've not walked outside in my socks now in a couple months, because of the cold, but today was different. i stayed in the driveway dodging all the sweet gum balls that have fallen from the trees. for those that don't have an idea what I'm talking about.........a sweet gum ball is this seed pod that looks  like the old under-water mines. it's rock hard with little spikes on it.   if you have ever stepped on one then you know why i was paying attention. they are built to survive, and a bare foot doesn't stand a chance again them!! kinda like walking in the inter-coastal, and running into an oyster bed. atleast you can see the sweet gum pods.
anyway,............i came back in after i was well satisfied that the earth was still standing intact, and sit down in my easy chair. instead of kicking the landing gear back and relaxing i threw one ankle over my other knee. that's the way a real man crosses his legs. not the wimpy way.
the whole point is that the bottoms of my socks had changed color. they were green now...............covered with pollen!!  isn't it a little early in the year to have that much pollen in the air? even in the sub-tropical world of Florida?  i didn't even notice the pollen laying on the driveway, but a few hours later now you can see it everywhere. it is covering everything in the yard.
i really don't care for much cold weather, but i believe this summer is going to be brutal!! the burn time is getting less, and less everyday, and i don't believe that spring is due to officially be here anytime soon. i looked, and the first day of spring is March 20th.  that's about another month, so were pretty much ----!!!        you can choose the word that you want to,.............but it's gonna be hot!!
i try to walk at least every couple of days. i guess this comes from not being able to walk much for most of the year. Saturday i noticed a lot of the bushes in the neighborhood had started blooming. Florida is a strange land to live in as far as the plant life.  you would be shocked to see all the trees that are still hanging on to their leaves,..........dead leaves,............but they wont turn loose of them until the new buds push them off the trees!! even that magical berry bush has nothing left on it now but the berries.         yeah,............that's right,.........I'm still keeping an eye on that joker!!  i need to find out what it really is, and exactly how poisonous those berries are on it.

one more thing before i go for today:         my great hunting cat wound up in a fix today. she is always catching lizards, and dragging them in the house. today was no different,...............well,................not much different.
she always brings them to me first to show her skills off. today she brought in a mouthful of one lizard. she walked up to me, and had five inches of fresh caught lizard hanging out of both sides of her mouth. i've seen them that big before, but she never has brought one inside.
she took it to the rug in the kitchen to play,.............or maybe terrorize would be a better word. i was piddling with my computer, and soon forgot that either one of them was in the house.             before long i heard her growling. i can't recall ever hearing a cat growling before, but it was steadily getting louder. soon the growls turned into screams, and that really got my attention.
while she was growling she had her back to me, but once she started screaming bloody murder........she turned around to face me.
i couldn't believe what i saw!!            that giant lizard had clamped down on her paw, and would not turn loose of her.           she was shaking that paw violently,............and the lizard just held on!!         she started biting the lizard,.................and it still wouldn't turn loose of her paw!! she tried to take another paw, and make the lizard turn loose...........to no avail!!
by this time my sides had begun to hurt from laughing so much!!         poor kitty was in a world of hurt in two different ways. that lizard was planning on teaching her a lesson, and i was just rolling in laughter at her very sensitive situation. it hurts her tender Lil' feelings when i laugh at her too much!!  I'm not joking,.......it really does.
well,..........i reckon that the  lizard had got it's fill of kitty fur taste  for the day, and finally turned  loose of her paw. immediately,.........the cat shot out of  the door, and i didn't see her again for several hours. funny thing is that when she came back inside she didn't have  another lizard in her mouth!!             the last of the great white hunters!!

now,...........I'm not afraid of the lizards that she drags in the house. usually, once she leaves i simply pick them up, and set them back free in the yard. this one was a little different.              once i bent over to grab it the lizard opened it's mouth at me, and suddenly her growls and screams filled my mind.             i back off quickly,............and thought about it for a minute.
i knew if it clamped down on me like it did her that i would have no problem making it turn loose. the thing is that i don't care anything about killing needlessly, and if that innocent critter caused me half the pain that it seemed to have caused her...........then it would be a dead critter!!
i finally took the broom, and swept that little feller out the door, but not without it showing attitude with every push of the broom that i made. that had to be the lizard from hell!!

                   ...............much love

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