
Monday, February 28, 2011

what today?

how can i entertain my readers today?           then again,.............have i ever been entertaining at all?       most of my  audience must come from surfing, because i don't have but two folks that follow me.  the good thing is that two are more than i ever expected, and the good Lord knows that is two more than i deserved!!

maybe I'll tell you a  not so funny story,......... that had me laughing my ass of the other day.

one good thing about living in Florida is the weather. anytime you have great weather somewhere you will find a lot of people riding their motorcycles. i think that bike are cool. i don't have a problem with them at all, and i never have either. actually, i've owned a couple myself, so I'm speaking from experience.
however,.........a lot of people show then no respect at all. they drive,......it seems,.......being purposely blinded to the fact that they are on the road.           come on now folks!!               anybody brave enough to choose to ride the smallest vehicle on the road deserves respect!!!  they are counting on you to show them the same respect that the biker shows you.
anyway,...................the other day i was at a bus stop waiting on a bus. ( yeah,...........your right,............I'm always doing that!!)  i was in my usual checking out the people mode. i think that living in the city causes that to happen. then again,............you can ride through any small town in Alabama, and everybody waves!! i know that i always did, but i couldn't tell you why? i guess that i was just raised to be friendly. i've learned better now. if you show yourself to be friendly in the city it's total misconstrued as " sure I'll give you my money!!"                     no,.......no,,,,,,,,,,,no,............I'm not saying that i'm not friendly!!           i'm just more selective with those that i'm friendly with.  that's just one of the horror's of city life.
actually,..........i feel like I'm a freak at times living here. a lot of folks don't act the same way that i do. I'm not sure how some folks can even see where they are going, because their head is hanging so low!! if you speak to one of these kind they simple don't acknowledge that your even alive!!
i might as well dip into this, because the story that I'm telling is so far past me right now that I'll have to read it again before i can continue.

this is my greatest peeve in life ever!!         the fact that i can't be friendly with some people without them expecting money from me!!  i wish that i really had money to give to everybody that asked. wouldn't that be super?                   i detest avoiding people gauged by the amount of money that's in my pocket at the time.    every time i avoid, or ignore, or slight any person, in any way,.................it totally robs my soul of  the satisfaction that it truly needs to be free.         ( i think that i said a mouthful there!!)

OK,..........I'm getting back to the not so funny story, .........that had me in tears that i was laughing so hard.

the bus stop  where that i was at the time that this happened was at an intersection of a very busy road. i heard a man just a cussing as plain as day. i looked around to see what the commotion was about. i quickly knew once i saw that biker cussing at the car next to him at the red light. this is nothing new where i live. actually,...........it's quite the common occurrence to see a biker ripping somebody a new asshole for disrespecting them in some form or another.  most of the time the disrespect could be called attempted murder!!
anyway,............i told you that this wasn't a funny story, but  this is what turned mt tickle box over. the driver of the car looked like he might fall of dead any moment. both of his hands were clinched around the steering wheel tightly, and his neck was so stiff looking forward that it probably would have cracked if he tried to turn his head in any other direction. he had turned a pale white color from fear.
i don't know what had happened for sure, but i realized if that red light didn't change, so that he could get away from that maniac on the bike that he would be stuck there..........and someone calling 911!!

i can bet you,.........without much doubt,..........that man has a new respect for bikers!!

it seems that hit and run driver are coming out of the wood word here in Jax. quite often homicide is evolved with the crime. they are simply running people over, and hauling ass!! it's not always the fault of the driver, but once you run it becomes a felony  from the word go.
i was at the same bus stop as before. the intersection of University, and terry road. University boulevard is complete madness from one end to the other!!  if your a wise pedestrian you will cross at intersections when the lights are in your favor, and even still if your not looking in all directions you might just get ran over!!
anyway,............i saw this many walk past me with a suitcase rolling on the ground. i quickly summed him up not to be homeless, and if he was,.............he hadn't been that way for long. if he keeps doing what i saw him doing he wont be alive much longer!!
this dude walks between two different red lights, and decides to cross the road. i didn't think much of it i first , when i saw what he was doing. people risk their lives all the time crossing the streets here in the wrong place. i looked away,..........then i heard somebody laying down on their car horn.
yep,.........that's right,.........it was the dude!! for some reason that i can't even phantom,........he was picking up something in the street, and he kept picking up stuff. i thought maybe somebody had lost some change, and this guy had found the lost bounty.
the thing was that in all five lanes of University Boulevard he kept picking something up. more cars had stopped, and were blowing the heck out of their horn, and this guy would just wave at them. i finally got a glimpse of what this man was picking up,................and it was nothing of value. it was street garbage!!  i know this because once he finally got out of the street he piled it up on the side walk!!         well,..........I'm all for keeping the city clean, but I'm not about to clean the streets!!
what ever possessed this normal looking man  when he walked past me to go on a cleaning spree? i would imagine that only the good Lord could answer that question!!
the great thing was there was no damage done. no car wrecks, and nobody ran him over.           i simply can't understand some folks. what drives them, and certainty what they are thinking.

             ...........much love

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