
Friday, February 25, 2011

yep,.........that's right.........i'm in trouble today

i think that my lack of medication is about to bottom out!!  I'm getting goofier as the day goes on. while ago my skin was crawling, and i couldn't blame it on the cat.         i wanted to, and i tried, but if that many fleas were on my body,...........i needed to be dipped!!
this is really a horrible state to be in, and then again, it is quite blissful at times. the mind just wanders at times, and leaves me acting the fool. today will be a good day not to go out in public. the way that i am right now if somebody got their head cut off in front of me...............i probably would pass out from a laughing hysteria!!
i often wonder if the really crazy folks of this world feel like this?   do they know better than act a certain way, but simply can't help themselves?
a couple nights ago i was in a mess. i was watching the movie " white chicks."  i love the Wayans brothers stuff. the deal was that i would sit here laughing hysterically, and all of a sudden i would break down in tears. i don't know if you have seen the movie. i guess most people have, but there is nothing sad about that movie, and certainty nothing worth shedding a tear over!!
Geeze Louise..............that's still a lot better than the last time that i ran out of this medication. the last time all my emotion were severely out of whack. i thought that i was loosing my mind for real!!  i would laugh, cry, scream, and whisper. the really bad thing was i didn't understand why this was going on. i didn't have a clue until after three days of this madness had passed. i decided to Google paxcil with-drawls, and that gave me some relief. this is the first one that i clicked:

For some people, the symptoms of paxil withdrawal are among the most horrifying experiences imaginable.
The threat of paxil withdrawal goes far beyond losing your life. (You won't die from paxil withdrawal!)
The symptoms can take your life and rip it to shreds, mocking your dignity and stealing your freedom. They ravage your soul. They deaden your spirit. But they won't kill you.

Ironically, death often seems like a blessing, so great is the pain of attempting to end paxil.
If I could impress upon you only one thing, it would be this: The symptoms of paxil withdrawal will end. They can't go on forever. They can't.
You will survive!

The paxil withdrawal symptoms include (but are not limited to):
  • Dizziness, which can be quite extreme at times.
  • Shocks, called the 'zaps'; usually starting in the mouth or head, and extending out through the body.
  • Sensory sensitivity, especially sounds. Any noise can become a painful experience. Also, being under florescent lights can create discomfort. Touch, motion and even smell can be painful.
  • Nausea, very common with paxil withdrawal. 
  • Confusion, memory problems, and difficulty with concentration.
  • Severe insomnia and/or nightmares, (now there's a winning combination).
  • Extreme mood swings, such as intense grief and intense anger. Plan for this in advance!
  • Suicidal thoughts. If the urge to kill yourself becomes too strong and the argument becomes too logical, think of those who love you. Think of the thousands of others who have or who will go through a similar agony. Just don't give up!
  • Headaches, sometimes quite severe.
  • Reduced motor skills, such as difficulty walking or talking.
  • Reduced or no appetite.
  • Intense fear of losing your sanity.
  • Depersonalization, where nothing seems real; it's like you are outside your body.
  • Panic attacks, even if you've never had them before.
  • Sweating, sometimes profusely.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Muscle cramps and stomach cramps.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Chills/hot flashes, part of the 'paxil-flu'.
  • Fatigue.
  • Painful, swollen eyes or mouth.
  • Fainting.
  • Hard to swallow.
  • Grinding teeth.
  • Numbness.
  • Itching.
  • Trembling.
  • Hallucinations.
While these are the more common paxil withdrawal symptoms, you can have other ones as well.

There's a good chance that whatever symptoms you're experiencing may indeed be caused by paxil withdrawal, even if they're not listed above.
In addition to studying these paxil withdrawal symptoms, it's also important to understand the underlying causes that would lead you to such a painful place.

 the great news is that i wouldn't die,............or was it?
you would think that was bad enough, but my Dr. also had me taking effexor which i was also with-drawing from. Google  took me to this page.

Effexor withdrawal symptoms, along with paxil withdrawal symptoms, have truly set the standard for pain and suffering from an antidepressant.
As you continue to read, here's a few things to keep in mind about effexor withdrawal symptoms:
  • Severe withdrawal symptoms can develop from patients on any level of dosage, so if you're taking a low dose don't think you're necessarily safe.
  • Effexor withdrawal symptoms can easily last two months or more, and some people don't feel back to normal even after a year of discontinuation.
  • Because effexor has a 'half-life' of about five hours, withdrawal symptoms can develop from missing only one dose. (The half-life refers to the amount of time it takes the body to metabolize one-half of the drug.) Five hours is a frighteningly short half-life for a drug of this nature. It almost guarantees problems.
  • One Harvard study found 78% of patients experienced withdrawal symptoms from discontinuing effexor xr making it the only drug worse than paxil in this regard. 

damn!!........a double whammy!!         i was actually going through a living hell!!        i wanted to die!!  i would get on my knee's, and scream at the top of  my lungs to God..............." please just kill me, because i can't take this anymore!!!"
well,.............fortunately,...........after about 7 days i had regain most of my mental faculties. i finally cracked the door to outside, and felt the warmth of the sun on my face once again.
i would like to blame this craziness that i suffer on a daily basis on the with-drawl from the drugs, but then again,................this is just me normally crazy!!

            ............much love

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