
Thursday, March 31, 2011

adapt and overcome

adapt and overcome .................some real fighting men have adopted this slogan, and made it a way of life for them.  yep,............that's right,............i'm talking about the Marine's!!        it really seems to me that the same principle should work in my life, but only if i will apply it.
i know that somewhere out there..........there are folks laying down good money based on my survival. i  would imagine that my success rate is not well favored either. i would imagine that few,..........ha,...........if that many,......... think that i will live.           honestly,........i would love to take that bet!!
see,.........i know something most people don't know about me. i am a walking, talking, breathing, miracle child from way back!! i have the ultimate Ace in the hole. i have escaped the jaws of death more times than i can actually recall in my life. i am a survivor!!
i know that the reason that i have so many medical issues stems from the fact that i've not lived right most of my life, and getting older doesn't weigh in my favor ether. i never thought that i would say this, but i like getting older. there are benefits to aging, and the only way to see them are first hand from experience.
i reckon that i'm getting a lil' bit smarter, but............please,............for the love of God,.............do not repeat this!!        i'm changing my lifestyle, and i started this morning.  yep,.............that's right,..........i actually got up before daylight!!     here is the real kicker..........i fixed breakfast, and...................wait,........................wait on it,.................it's getting close,.....................i fixed breakfast without any fatty pork,................my God!!,...........don't you realize what i'm saying?..................NO BACON!!
now, don't get me wrong,.........i don't eat bacon often, but i love bacon..............i love the smell of bacon!!   you might find this hard to believe, but one of my fondest childhood memories, and i've blocked most of them out, is about bacon!!
i can remember going outside one mornin' in Bama. we purty much lived in the country, even though we lived close to downtown. i could see the only flashing light that Geraldine had from my front yard. the cool thing was once you got behind out house...........it was country........all country...........even down to the outhouse!! ..........humm..........i'll get to that in a minute.
the thing is i remember it like it was yesterday.........the sun was rising, and honestly a rooster was crowing. the birds were singing their songs of morning praise, and................somebody,..............can't say who...........they were cooking bacon.............the sweet smell filled the air.
yep,,.........i know that i'm different,........but the design started out as perfect!!

anyway,..............do y'all know what an outhouse is?       back years ago. if a house didn't have running water in it............they had a little building in back,..............way back,.............of the house,..........where you went to the bathroom. there were no lights inside, no electricity, no fans, but i do remember a fly swatter, and a pile of newspaper..............please don't confuse this in anyway to be sanitary!!        the roof leaked on you when it was raining, and you could see the moon when it was full from the cracks in the ceiling and walls.
here's a thought for all those that have never had the pleasure of using one. fortunately Taco Bell hadn't come in to play yet, but imagine if it had, and you ate your fill of double beef burritos a few hours before. it's dead winter time, and snow is on the ground, and it's been dark for a while now, and your guts are playing the Bell hell song!!....................do i really need to say more............................

 i really don't ever remember the wood being all that clean, and i had forgot one detail...........it had a dirt floor...............moving on............

you know,..........that's one of those details in life that i don't think that i've shared with many. i just told the whole world about it!!         i have truly become shameless!!         hey,.......i do want to point out that we had water running inside the house in the kitchen sink, but the bitch was that we didn't have a water heater!!

i really did grow up fairly poor. mother worked full time with three of us kids. she was doing the best with what she had to work with. back then we didn't have any Government support. no welfare checks  in the mailbox, and no food stamps. i do remember getting Government surplus cheese, and peanut butter............maybe there was a little help, but not much.

you know,............i've got so far of track,..............there is nothing unusual about that............except for the fact that i'm not going to finish with what i started with today. i shared one of my greatest memories as a kid, and somehow i've shared the tragedy of being poor.
i will leave you with one thought........................how the sweet smell of that bacon that morning over-powered the smell of the outhouse............is a great mystery!!

       ..........much love

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