
Monday, December 8, 2014

I had almost given up!!

I had almost given up. Somehow I had forgotten that, I am very special to Our Father. I am not any more special than anybody else, but I put myself, on the very bottom, of the list. I actually think that we are supposed to be low on the Father’s list, but not in the way that He sees us. I believe that only applies to the way that we see ourselves.

It is not easy to have cancer. You would think that you just submit your body to the ground, and our Spirit to our Creator. There is a lot more involved. More than I ever realized could be possible. It is safe to say that I got over-whelmed, with all this information coming at me, from every direction. I lost my focus, and climbed in the back, of a very dark cave named fear!! Not only had I forgot whose I am, I also forgot who I am. 

I am a child of the most high God!!   I can’t even say that without a smile coming crossed my face. I believe that is the way that it should be, at all times. Although,…..something happened, or somebody happened called Satan to get my focus off my Royal Heritage. I had places my focus on death, and the things that are concerning death, which has nothing to do with me. 

John 11:25-26  Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26  And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

These are the Words of Jesus. These are the only Words that, I can live by. I believe in Jesus, because He is the giver of life. We have this connection with each other, which will never be broken. I repent right now, this very moment for allowing my focus to wonder, into a place that was never meant, for me to experience.

I have decided to fully trust Jesus, with the details of my transition, into the Kingdom of God. Chemotherapy is a sickening way to try to extend the life, of a child of God. I will not be going that route anymore. I want to live a quality life, and I also want to live a quality death. There is nothing that adds quality to a person’s life with filling it full of toxic waste. The Doctors even tell you that if you can survive the Chemotherapy, that it will add days to your life. That is how bad that it is!!

I don’t want to be found guilty, of playing the role of God, for an extension, on my life. I believe that His plan for my life cannot be improved upon, and I want to wait and see how His plan turns out. I am not in a hurry to go to Heaven, because Heaven is not going to disappear. I kinda like tell other folks about my Jesus, and of His great love and mercy. I realize that all this could have very well happened with me. I had rather been a small part, of the best thing that has ever happened to mankind.

 I am sorry that I have not written much, in the last couple months. This is my ministry, and I love being, on the promotional team of Jesus.  I had to spend a lot of time with myself seeking the right solution, from my awesome Creator. This is a settled issue now. I will live the most quality life that I can right now, until I go to be with my Jesus.

Ain’t our Jesus Awesome?

     ….Much Love

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