
Sunday, March 24, 2013

We were created to worship

You know that I love a Sunday!!   A lot of people don't even know why we exist to begin with.   They think that we live, make money, have families, do our best to monopolize, and die.     A lot of them think that they're existence is futile, and without any real meaning.    This is a really sad concept, but it is all that some think, that life consists.        I guess that is alright, if they really don't have enough imagination, and desire to seek out more truth than that.
That why I love to write this little blog, because I am persuaded, that I have found the true meaning of life.     I am sold out on the idea that we were created, by the same One that created the universe. This is totally His show, and always has been that way.      He created the spender of what we know as the universe.      We stand in awe as we look out into the vastness of space.     We are totally amazed at the things way beyond the grasp of our reach.      Every time the Hubble telescope sends back more pictures, even more glamorous that the last time.        We go into this mode of worship, and that is why we were created .       That is the whole reason that we exist.
There is a problem though.     We have got the worship factor twisted.    We are willing to worship the creation.       We never give thought to how much more awesome, that the Creator is, for worshiping the creation!!       Some of us even deny the possibility that there is a Creator, that could be responsible, for all the glorious sights that we see.     Well,.....I have found Him!!     He does exist in the lives of human beings, that recognize their need, for His presence, in their lives!!
That same awesome God, can be found in every worship service at Evangel Temple.     I am so glad that is the church that I attend, and not only attend, but I am a member.     I know that I get really excited, after church services that I attend.      I simple can't help myself, and I am not apologizing for it either.      I have never in my life have got this close to the presence of God.     I have always thought that He did exist.       That wasn't good enough though, now that I have personally met Him. I can get a glimpse of the absolute awesomeness that He possesses!!
Today was one of those days, that I get a chance just to sit back and watch, the glory of Father. It makes me love, appreciate my church family even more.     I encourage my readers to check out either the live streaming of our services, or the taped production, located in the church website. We have a really good time in the Lord.        I love to worship, and I was created to worship, so it more than fair to say, that we have a good time in the Lord.
I have been noticing something lately.     It seems once the camera’s have been turned off, and the spectators have left the building.      Something really awesome starts to happen.     Holy Spirit makes His awesome presence manifest, and has His way!!       Most people will never know what is really going on, in my church, if you never come to a service.       You don't get the benefit of our life worship team.      That are number 1, first class.     ( For some reason the taped views of the worship team does not do them justice!!)
The altars were full today of the members, of our church.      Holy Spirit made a run, and they started running to the altars.      The whole from of our sanctuary is nothing but one complete altar. We are a real tight unit of believers, and when we hit the altar, you can bet that we will hit it in force. I have never saw just one person in the altar.     If one unsaved person goes down to pray, then more than a dozen of us will be with them.
It is not like a Billy Graham crusade, but I can't remember a Sunday where the altars were not filled.   Brother Garry loves the Lord, and he preaches his heart out!!      He has a passion for the lost people all over, but especially here in Jacksonville.      He has been praying for the outbreak of revival in the city of Jacksonville, and I believe the Lord might just answer that prayer.
Our church went into the local school system this week, and got a first hand look at all the rebellion going on.      They did fourteen different presentations in five days.     They were spreading the gospel with a force.      Many made decisions to ask Jesus into their heart.     Pastor Chris was leading this movement of God.      After one session had ended, there was a young man, that lagged behind the crowd.      He talk with Pastor, and gave his life to Jesus.
When Pastor Chris had finished, and was walking away this young girl ran up to him.     She asked him a question; “ Do you know who that guy was that just gave his life to Jesus?”       Of coarse, Pastor shook his head, and said that he had given his name.       The girl stated that wasn't what she was talking about.          She said, “ That he was the biggest drug dealer in the entire school!!”
Now that's what I am talking about!!    We serve a real God whom with nothing is impossible!! We serve a life changing God!!      We serve a God who knows no boundaries!!     You know that without a move from Father, those doors to the schools in Duval County Florida, would have never been opened to change that young mans life!!
I for one, don't mind giving praise to a living God, that is all that awesome, and is totally consumed with His children.     John made a statement about Jesus while here on the earth.    Keep in mind that His ministry only lasted for three years.       John 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
Just think......We were born to worship.

…......Much Love

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