
Thursday, March 21, 2013

You don't know if I am just another lunatic

For a closet type recluse I sure have touched a lot of people. Since I have been downtown, I run into someone different from my past nearly everyday. Maybe the shame is on myself, because usually they will call me by my name. However, I rarely know what their names are, but I recognize the face. The great thing about this is most of these people that I see, I have had no trouble with in my past. Every now and them I will see a person that I can't approach, because of hard feelings. That is really rare though.
I don't know where all these people come from. I know that I have had favorable dealings with them in my past, but I can't say where. I have spent a few years dealing with the Salvation Army, up close and personal. A good amount could have sprang from the era. I even have a couple years association with the Trinity Rescue Mission here in town. The other place that they might have sprang from is six years dealing with the Oxford house that was located close to the beaches area.
Looking back I have spent most of the last twenty years working in some area that was favorable. I guess that you could say that I have served my fellow man in some capacity, over the last few years. I wonder if it was all a training session in which to go forth with God now?      Maybe, .....I am just thinking out loud.     I tend to be funny that way.      I have really never understood anything happening that can be explained away as a freak accident.
I believe that all things are tied together in the big scheme of things.    That means that nothing happens by accident.     Everything that happens to us, gives us an opportunity, to make a choice of how we will handle this opportunity.    After all, isn't that the way that we calculate the growth processes in our lives?      Come on now, stay with me.      I am going to get on a roll here is a minute!!
Haven't you ever thought that life may have been pretty much preplanned from the beginning? That everything that we do, good, bad, or indifferent, has been known since the beginning of time.   Have you ever had a habit, that no matter what you did to break doing this habit, it didn't change a bit.   Then at the precise moment it time, all the proper ingredients formed together to make that hope become a reality?       It's kind of like that Matrix movie: Do you really believe that is air that's your breathing?
Are you laughing yet?       Go a head, because it good to laugh.         Laughter effects the body in some miraculous ways.        Don't believe me?         Click on the link....
Once you get finished laughing yourself to better health, and me to scorn.....Let's move on. I am really getting at terrific thought that there is no way that I can prove. For my smarter readers: I am going to introduce to you a theory, that I can't possibly prove, with my finite mind, to be a reality.
My only basis for making such a ludicrous claim in God.    I really only know what I have read in His word, and been taught from His work.     My past personal experience with Him has been totally awesome, but not all that much as of yet.      I am a stickler when it comes to believing, what I read in the Bible.     Whether I understand it or not.      Whether it makes any sense or not.     No matter how fantastic, and over-whelming to my common senses that it may be.     Nor how radically foolish that believing such a thing makes me look.      I still lock it inside of my heart, and file in away under nothing but the truth!!
I am curious to why Father would know something that Jesus doesn't know?      Have you ever thought about that, or do you not know what I am taking about?       I am talking about the end of time here on the earth as it was prophetically place in the Word.      Only Father knows when that time will be.       Jesus seems to know everything else, but He don't know exactly when that time will come.          I am not avoiding the subject.       I just have a brain back fire!!
We all know that Father is simple awesome, in every part of the word.     There is no part about Father that just don't leave my brain all tore up, and hoping for more!!     Have you ever seen a being with as much confidence, and self-confidence at the same time?     Back when I didn't know any better, I thought that He was the most arrogant being that there ever was.      Now that I am getting to really know Him, I know that there is nothing arrogant about Father.        He is just that good!!
I know that you are right, if you are assuming, that I am not gonna ever try to prove my point. Actually, did I really even have a point?       Do you really thing that is air that your breathing?      I rather get back to braggin' on how good Father really is!!       That is something worth talking about, and I could see being in worship to His Majesty all the day long!!
The sad thing is that you have no idea where my craziness is really coming from.    You don't know if I am just another lunatic that has got loose in this already crazy world.      If you might even think that I might be on to something here.    If you really care to know, if I might be shooting all this straight forward to you, then there is only one way to know for sure.
Call on the name of Jesus.         Develop a personal relationship with Him.       Get to know Father, and at the same time give Holy Spirit free reign over your life.        It you will do these things with all your heart, then my sanity will not even be a though to you.         You will know for sure.

…......Much Love

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