
Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

They call today, Good Friday. The only thing good about this day, is the fact that Jesus paid the price, for our redemption. Jesus done for us, the very act, that we could not do, for ourselves!! Actually, our Savior, allowed Himself to endure, the utter chaotic treatment, that He received, even before going to the cross!!

The King of Heaven. The King of Glory. The King of all Hope, and the Deliverer of our Salvation. Standing before the mere mortal men, that He had Created, being judged before them, for false accusations. Yet, He chose to stand in almost complete silence. He at one time gave glory to Father, during His conversation with Pontius Pilate. He quickly let Pilate know that the only power that he actually possessed, had been granted to him by Father!!

I believe all Heaven had gathered around Father, while the trial of Jesus was taking place. Jesus had been in Heaven, this entire time, before He left for earth, on The mission to redeem Father's children. The way that they spoke to Jesus was alarming, to the residence of heaven. I can't say for sure, but I will assume this; The moment a mortal man laid his hands, on the Prince of Peace, all eyes were on Father. They were awaiting a Word to come to the rescue of Jesus!!

All of heaven, had never even considered the possibility, of such a thing happening, little lone actually viewing such a horrific ordeal!! They were simply appalled, beyond all belief. They had always known the Son of God, up close, and very personal. They would have given their own life's, in the defense of Jesus. Father sit there showing no emotion as the abuse started, and the Angels were confused.

The Lamb of God suffered severe humiliation, in His treatment from the humans this day. He was slapped in the face repeatedly, and spat on relentlessly. He had a crown of thorns placed on His head, and was shoved around between the guards, while they took turns punching Him. They took a cat of nine tails, and beat Jesus almost to death.

Jesus more resembled a pile of ground beef, than that of a man. His body was swollen, from all the abuse that He had endured. The cat of nine left Him nothing more, than a bloody pulp, of unrecognizable flesh at best. Jesus' friends, family, and disciples, stood by from a distance watching, as this scene unfolded, before their eyes. They were astonished, at the act of violence, that was placed on the man, that they had grown to love, with their whole heart.

The worst was yet to come. Jesus Christ was about to make His last journey, on this day, under His own power. They strapped the cross to His body, and was forcing Him to carry it to the point that it would be His demise. They had beaten Jesus to the point, that He fell several times on the way. They finally realized that He was not going to make it to the hill of Golgotha on His own. They appointed another man to help carry the cross of Calvary.

Once Jesus arrived at the place, that He knew that His life would be freely given, as the sacrifice of the sins of the world. They drove spikes into His hands, and feet, securing Jesus to the cross. Then they raised His badly tortured body, in the air for all to see. During this time He was taunted, railed, cussed, blasphemed, laughed at, spat upon, while hanging stripped naked of clothes. Wearing nothing but humiliation.

I posted what it was like for Jesus to be crucified yesterday. At least, the medical aspect side of crucifixion. This was one of the most horrible ways, that a person could ever suffer death. Knowing this from the beginning, why did Jesus take on this mission? I have thought many times, that there had to be an easier softer way, to accomplish this task. Why wasn't the road to our redemption paved a lot smoother, with much less pain involved?

The answer to these questions is fairly simple. It was all about Father. Father created this world to house us. We are what Father considers the greatest creation that He ever created!! He loves us so much, that He not only allowed, Jesus to sacrifice His sinless, pure, blood for the atonement for our sins. In the book of Isaiah it says that it pleased Father to bruise, and put Jesus to grief!!

God is love!! Love requires a sacrifice!! Jesus made the sacrifice for us!! The only requirement that we need to make now, is simply accept the Grace that Jesus Christ has provided for us. If we choose not to accept what has already been done for us..........
            ......Much Love

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