
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Was Jesus guilty of partying?

Have you ever just took the time to see, who the person of Jesus Christ, really was?    Maybe you like myself, and simply take at face value that He was, and that is good enough at the time. Jesus had His ministry for only three short years. In that time, He brought with life, a radical change, and a radically new way of thinking, and seeing the life that we have been given. He was quite bold in His approach. He introduced us to the Father, and the true ways of the Father.     He even stated that the Father, and Himself was one!!      That cause much more than a stink with the current leaders.
Jesus knew, that He was about to give His life, as a ransom for our sins. He knew of the beating that He would get, before they nailed His body on the cross. He was in human form. Jesus could feel all the pain that He would receive, because of the severe cruelty of the Romans, and the cross. This had to be a very stressful time for Jesus. The time was drawing nearer and nearer, as each day passed.
Six days before the start of the Jewish celebration of Passover, Jesus went to the town of Bethany. I don't know much about the Jewish culture, but the Passover was a celebration of the Exodus of Egypt. God had freed them from the control of the Egyptian Pharaohs, after being in bondage to them, for roughly four hundred years. The Passover celebration would be held in Jerusalem, so why do you think that Jesus went to Bethany six days prior to the celebration?
This is very cool, and can be verified in the book of John, chapter 12.    He wanted to spend time, with the ones in which was His closest friends. Lazarus was a resident of Bethany. Lazarus and Jesus had a very special relationship, and it grew even stronger after he died, and Jesus gave him life again. Lazarus had actually been in the tomb three days, when Jesus called him out. I don't know if he hopped out, or floated out, because he was still all wrapped up in linen. I do know that once Jesus called him out, that was the turning point.           Death had to release it hold on Lazarus, and Lazarus had to come out of that tomb somehow!!
That is where Jesus went to stay, was at the home of Lazarus. Mary, and Martha was also living there, because they were the sisters of Lazarus. These were Jesus' closest friend, and He choose to spend time with them, because He loved them. By reading the Word, it sounded like they had a little celebration party, and the guest of honor was Jesus.
A supper meal was prepare in Jesus' honor, and of coarse Martha served the food. I believe Martha was having a time breaking the old habits, of being busy, in the presence of Jesus. Mary is still doing the same also. She is sitting at the feet of Jesus. She has broke out some very fragrant oil, and costly as well. She is anointing the feet of Jesus with the oil, and drying Jesus' feet off with her hair!!
I need to interject here. I can't see no greater way, that these two women could show love, and worship Jesus. Martha is making sure that his food is just the way that Jesus liked to eat it. Her mission is to make sure that he has the proper utensils to eat with, and His cup doesn't run dry. As far as I can tell there are thirteen men sitting at this table with Jesus. Twelve disciples, and Lazarus, so Martha really had her hands full.
Mary was doing what I would call a supreme service of worship. She is humbled herself at the feet of Jesus. She is pouring the expensive oil, on the feet of Jesus, and working it in His feet, with her hands. Then as the air has been filled with the essence of aroma from the ointment, Mary does something radical. She dries the excess of oil, from the feet of Jesus, with her hair! 
We have all this going on, and a killjoy is about to speak up. Judas has been sitting in silence watching this take place, till he could no longer contain his words. He started ragging on Mary, for not selling the oil, to give to the poor. We all know that Judas didn't care anything about the poor. All he cared about was getting that money, in the bag that he was holding.
Jesus rebuked him sharply, “ Leave her alone!! Mary has had that oil prepared for me, for the event of my death.” I love Jesus, and the way that He really is. I can't wait until the day that I can see Him face to face!!
I believe the massage here should be, that we need our friends.     We need to have relationships, with each other.      Sharing, and loving, and spending time with each other.     We need to learn to love.      Some of us need to learn to receive love also.     The real deal is when we go to the point of our final destination.    No matter which direction that we go.     None of us, are going to take anything, that we have required on this earth with us. I     f we are planning to make heaven our home, we might as well start learning how to love right now.       Once that we are living with Jesus, there will be no hatred or strife.       Only peace, love, and harmony!!

….......Much Love

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