
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lil' bout Father

As Christians we know, or should know, that the only acceptable sacrifice for our sin, was a blood offering. This is the way Father designed, and required that a plan of redemption, could take place. I have often battled with the idea of, couldn't He have made it different, or easier?     Why the idea of blood?        You know,.....That seems to be kind of a gross way to be acting....Why the blood?

Since we were born into sin, our blood was not even fit, for any sacrifice. It had to be pure, sinless blood. Father is not a half-stepper, on anything that He does.    He is perfection, at it's finest, and He demands perfection, in a sacrifice.       Father is Holy, in every form of the word.     I can't ever stress how perfect, and Holy, and Wonderful, that Father really is!!

His love for us is so enduring, unlike any form of love, that we have ever experienced, outside of His realm.       All that He really wants is for us to love Him, and have a relationship with Him. Father gets great joy every time that we come to Him.      It doesn't matter if it's to praise Him, or ask something of Him.      Father wants us to realize who He really is, and allow Him the privilege, of being our Father!!

Time, and time, after time, in the Word of God, Father is relaying that message to His children. That is why He created us.      We were created to worship Father, and because we do worship Him; He steps in His rightful place as our Father!!      We will never be able to out give Father.    When we offer a sacrifice to Him, whether it be praise, or a song, or a prayer, or any other small sacrifice. Father takes note of our actions towards Himself, and rewards us in the way that He chooses.

All that we are required to do, in this relationship, is put Father first, in all we do.    The times haven't changed all that much.    Father has not changed at all!!     We are to stay as little children, in our relationship with Father.     We are to stay dependent on Him.     We are to offer Him our absolute best, as children offer their best to their parents.

Have you ever saw a child, take a picture that they have drawn to their mother. It might not be anything that mom can recognize, as being anything, that she has ever saw before. The child is simply thrilled to pass this work of art, on to the mother. Most of the time mother picks the child up, and places them on her lap. They talk about what the picture is, while sharing their love for each other. They hug, and kiss, and tell each other how great that they are, as their bond has grown a little closer!!

Do you have any idea, where that love that a mother has for her child came from?    Father put that type of love in the mother, when she herself, was a little girl.    You should know that, if a mother, can love her babies, in that kind of way, then Father loves us so much more!!     That is why He sent Jesus.

Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father, was sent as the perfect sacrifice, for our sins. Father sent us the best that He possessed. There was no other option, beside wiping all creation out, and starting fresh once again.      Don't you realize ,why this was not a valid option, to Father, at the time?      We were not strangers, in the beginning.     Father knew us before the foundation of the world.         He created all this, just for His children to learn how, to love Father!!

Do you realize what a waste of life, it would be, not to accept the more than gracious offer, that is before us?      Father created us, and we can't change the rules, that He provided already for us. He has even given us the opportunity to choose between two options.      They really are simple choices,but often difficult to make, at certain times in our lives.

Father ever told us that the right choice, was to choose, the way of life.     Some people think that, if they choose death, then that is all that they will get.     They will simply be gone, as if they never were to begin with.      There is a slight problem with that theory.     We are created to be eternal beings.        We are going to being living in some form forever, in some place.

Hell was not even created for human beings.       It was created for Satan, and the fallen angels to occupy.        Father would never send us to hell.        He leaves that choice up to us......

I will write on what I started to write later. “Why the blood?” Something more pressing came up instead.

…..........Much Love

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