
Thursday, November 18, 2010

life is precious.............obama sucks!!

there is only approximately only six weeks left in this year. this was the year that i almost single handed destroyed my life!!  yep,............that's right,............i take the full credit for it. i know that i had some help from the failing American economy, and that fruit loop sitting in the American White house that should have never been there in the first place has done nothing right, so far, as far as i can't tell!!
oh crap!!!!.................i gotta,.............i just gotta, ..............I've got to devote my blog time to running a political skewer through that democratic jackass!!! Barrack Hussein Obama ,...................why does your name sound like every other Muslim name, but you still insist the you were American born? does the folks in the great state of Hawaii have this well hidden custom of naming the children after muslim  names?         well Sir i believe that you are a liar, and now the whole world knows that your a jackass!!
do you even have enough sense to realize what you've done?          yep,............that's right,.............I'm going to damn sure gonna enlighten your sorry ass on the real picture!!!           let's look over the fact that your a lying Muslim secretly wanting to drink hard liquor, and dance around the camp fire screaming things that no American can even decipher.  that is so irrelevant at this point. let's concentrate on how you have brought to shame the American black race.  yep,............that's right,.............i said the American people that has black skin!!  those are ones that put their hope in you to be the First American black President. you could have made a positive impact on the entire American race, but you have failed miserably!!  all you had to do was listen to what the people of America wanted. nobody wanted to loose their jobs!! nobody certainly did want to loose their homes!! do you realize that being homeless in this country is at a all time high? are you the first American czar? why don't you listen to us,..............the American people? the American people used to have a say about how this mess is run.
Obama you have taken the greatest opportunity that a black man has ever been given in this country, and flushed it down the royal throne. you are a shame to the American race!!  although, I'm not personally responsible for putting you in the highest office in this land. i always thought if we were going to have a black president that we should make it Bill Cosby. now that's a man with everything that America needs. he has a high intelligence level, morals, and values!!
then again,..................i am an American!!     i am a proud American!!.............if we the people but your sorry ass in that office then i am responsible!!    i stick behind what the majority of Americans want for this country!! so it truly is the fault of the people, and if we can survive the rest of your term, you can bet that you want get re-elected to cause more havoc on the American people!!

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