
Sunday, November 7, 2010

mmm..............i'm loving it!!

no,..............that ain't right!!            I'm not talking about Mickey D's.   Mickey D's is one of my least favorite restaurants to eat at. every time i do go there it's because of one of two factors. first one is that I'm starving, and the second is that I'm broke!! i usually get two MC double's for a couple bucks, and that pretty much ends the hunger. none of their food is really good for me. i can feel my blood pressure rising with every bite. the problem is that I'm a sucker for a cheeseburger, and unfortunately, their is as good as any for the price. i love meat and cheese!! that's simple.
that's what i cooked for supper last night. i went to the store, and bought 2lbs of beef, and fixed 4 cheeseburgers. four very thick monster burgers!!   no!!            i didn't eat them all myself.  i gave bubba two of them. he has been good to keep food in my place when i had very little, so i was just showing gratitude for what he did.
i wound up in a mess. the only reason that I've had anything to eat this year was because of Obama bucks. my stamps usually hit on the fifth of the month. i was kinda shocked when they had run out friday. i had to go to the office and get them started again, and it was cold friday morning. i new in my heart that it would be an all day affair, but a man has to eat. i became willing to make whatever time sacrifice that it was going to require.
i realize quick that this was going to be a typical James day when every thing was going to be a struggle. i've got good at dealing with this. i just assume that what happens, was supposed to happen, and but the next foot forward.
the first thing that happened is that it takes two buses to get there. the first one came reasonably on time. i say reasonably because my main bus is always late, and i've grown to accept that fact. i took my bus to the point where i needed to catch another one. i waited for over an hour on the second bus in the howling cold winds.
( there is something special about the folks that live in Florida like i do. we stay in so much heat most of the year that our blood gets really thin. when it gets cold..........now i'm talking about in the 50's, because that's cold for us. we tend to not take it well. unfortunatly, friday morning it was in the 30's.)
anyway,............i have been waiting over an hour freezing to death, and decided that i would set of walking. no more than my first block the bus came barreling past me.   well,...............i guess that was mean to be to. i continued on my walk, because i was starting to warm up, and my walking is a lot better now.    i had never been here before, and i expected to see a large sign, and that didn't happen either. actually, they had the smallest sign of the complex that they were located in, but i found it. they funny thing was that i stood there freezing for over an hour, and it was nothing more that a 25-30 minute walk up the street.
i already had two hours invested in this trip when i walked through the door. the place was full of needy people all wanting the same thing. i stood in line at the counter until my turn arrived. the lady behind the desk ask on simple question very weary, " can you use a computer?"  a yes came spewing forth from my lips, as a smile came a crossed her face she said have at it. i quickly realized what the hassle was. there was all these people in front of me, but most of them were mexican, and couldn't use the computer, and there was only one lady to help each one of them.            was it my lucky day?            not sure, but i guess that was meant to be also.
it took me less than 5 minutes on the computer, and i headed to the desk again. a dude was helping the other lady, and took my paper that i needed to fill out. he said that i would have an interview today, so just have a seat, and be patient, because they were short handed.
i set for about 5 minutes, and decided that i needed to walk outside just to make sure that it was still cold.   yep,........that's right,...........it was!!        all of a sudden i heard this voice yelling,...........hey miisteeer,.........hey miisteeer, do you want some bread? i knew that my bread was very limited at home, and assumed that my Obama bucks were sill in limbo, and wasn't sure when they would take affect again, so i walked over to her.
she turned out to be a Spanish woman, and a missionary. she was promoting to goodness of God by giving out bread. she let me choose what i wanted from a trunk full. i got three different kinds, and all of a sudden she just started filling my bag full of bread, and i couldn't have been happier at the time. i thanked her, and walked back inside, and set back down. i told all the people inside about her, and what she had, and the room became pretty empty. she done something good for me, and i passed the love on to a whole office full of people.
it wasn't but 5 more minutes until the other lady called me into her private office for an interview. i felt like i as in court, because there wasn't a chair for me to set in. her desk was located behind a five foot wall, with 5 feet in between. i quickly realized that this was a security measure, because everyone's interview would not be to their liking, and there are some psycho's in this world. that's why at Shand's hospital when you go into the pharmacy, or ER you much pass through a metal detector, and empty your bags and purses. about a year ago some nutcase shot a pharmacy worker, because she would not give him her drugs, or just didn't have the right attitude or something. you can bet you sweet petunia that their attitudes are a lot better after that happened though. sad to know that somebody has to get shot to make them more customer friendly.
anyway,..........my interview lasted less than 5 minutes, and only consisted of one question. my Obama bucks started again the next day. it was that simple, and with no headaches or pressure. i looked at my watch, and the whole process had taken me less than an hour.               thank you Jesus!!   i had no clue. i thought it would surly take me all day, and about thirty before my bucks rolled over!!

mmm.............I'm loving it is because that i forgot that the time went back last night. i love the fall back time. it's gets daylight earlier, and i can call it a day sooner. this is my time of the year living in Florida. the heat is no longer unbearable which is mostly humidity, and the days don't last as long. it will be dark tonight around six. as the winter rolls on the chances of depression gets greater though. the northern people suffer really bad from it, because of all the snow, ice, and gloom that surrounds them. they even have a special name for it in which I've forgot.       now can you tell me,...............why,..............a southern boy needs to remember the name of an affliction that is special to Yankee's?     i know what to do this year to combat it, and if i follow my plan i shouldn't have much problem with it.            life is good!!!

                                                              ..........................much love

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