
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

hey grandpa........wuz fer supper?

by now you must realize that I'm slippin' into the status of the old fart syndrome. i find it really hard to tell one simple story without incorporating a few different ones in it yep,..........that's right,..........this ain't gonna be any different. so just sit back, and let on old man pleasure himself on the keyboard. hey,.........not that way,.........just chill young feller!!
hey grandpa,..........wuz fer supper is a common phase from a t.v. show when i was a kid. it was called hee haw. it was a country music show out of Nashville Tennessee every Saturday night, and yes it started out in black and white, or at least that's how our t.v. was back then. I'm proud to say that i put the first color t.v. in my mothers house, and she quickly got past the radiation scare. that's another story in itself.
well anyway, back to hee haw. somebody was always say that famous line, and grandpa Jones would pop up out the corn field, and give this elaborate menu of some true back woods cooking. things like raccoon's, and possums with alligator tart deserts, and the whole crowd would shout yum yum!! i ain't never eat such myself. i really having trouble eating things that smile at me!! i tend to not look a cow in the face, because if he ever smiles then the goes my beloved beef!!
i will just imagine in today's time and age, unless you grew up in a true southern home that you don't even know what supper is. well,.............that was the last meal of the day that the entire gather around the table to enjoy being  together. I'm really not sure what changed that meeting of the family, but my guess would have been the economy. times got a lot tougher, and both parents had to start working. pretty much without a strong woman at home the family values went straight to hell!!

the reason that i started this was to give you the great Mr. illusion of confusion's Chili Dog Recipe. i think that i make a pretty mean chili dog. actually, my cooking skills have greatly improve through the years, and there's is not much that i can't cook. baking is my weakness though. my skills in the baking department are really lacking. i can bake to satisfy me, but it ain't nothing to brag about.
I'm going to start with the ingredients, and  of coarse you can vary from this, but i know that it wont be the same!!

ball park hot dogs,
a can of Hormel chili without the beans,
onion--real or dried and chopped,
shreaded cheddar cheese, and buns.

i prefer the ball park brand, and I've tried every style that they make. i can't really tell if one is better that the next, so choose what you think is best. i like the fact that they really do plump when you cook them. the good Lord only knows, and a handful of high hot dogs executives what they put in these dogs to make them swell up so big, but i like them. if we even knew what they put in any hot dog to begin with we would not be eating them to begin with!!..................i really prefer to boil them over any other method, so go a head, and start to boil some!!
i really prefer the can of Hormel chili without the beans. i really don't want a bunch of beans to cover the true essence of my hot dog. i have also tried most of the hot dog chili's, and honestly they are crap once you compare them with the Hormel brand. maybe it's because this brand supposed to stand on it's own as a meal.  either way it's wholesome, hardy, and my choice as the best!!  you can open a can now, and add it to the burner to simmer.
now you have your dogs boiling, and your chili set to simmer. it's time to add your onion to the chili. now,........I'm a firm believer in using the freshest of vegetables to cook with, but i view hot dogs a little different.           first off,.........do we really know what were eating?        I'm afraid if we did few of us would eat them. then again some people eat hawg's balls, guts, and brains, and other sorted delicacy's  that make me want to throw up, and I'm from the South!!
OK,...........it's time to decide quickly. either add dried onion, or fresh onion to your chili now. continue to simmer until your onion gets the way that you like it. once that's been accomplished, and the cheese of your choice to the chili. you can choose the cheese of your liking. this is something that i can't chose for you, but i do recommend some form of cheddar. another thing that i can't decide for you is how much that you need to add. as the years have flown past my taste buds have changed. in my younger days i liked a lot of cheese, but as I've matured, somehow,.........less is better.
OK,...............i'm guessing that the dog are about to explode about now,...........am i right?    them spear them with a fork, and place them in the buns. it really don't matter what buns that you want to use. you can pay as much as your heart desires for buns. i really can't tell that much difference in them. a bun is pretty much a  bun!!
you need to keep you dog water boiling, because you have one more important thing to do. I'm assuming that you do have a collender?  hell,...........is that right? any way,.........i'm sure that you know what i mean.
take your dogs, and put them into your buns to steam them. there is nothing better than a steamed bun. make sure to cover them with a paper towel. once you have finished steaming them, ........then throw them on a plate, and smother them with your chili. i usually smother then so good, that i need a fork to eat them with.
one last suggestion, and it's totally optional..................eat them with a cold glass of milk!!

hey Grandpa,....................wus for supper?              well,...........I'm cooking Mr. illusion of Confusions great chili dogs tonight!!......................................yum, yum!!

                                                  .....................much love

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