
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Under Severe Attack

I have to share his with you, because it makes me a better person. I told you that having cancer has been great for me personally. There are several things, which have changed with my attitude. I have no fear of death, other than just not wanting to go yet. I would rather die, than live in, a lot of pain, and now I am seeing the other side, of medicating pain. I have been taking pain medication for my back, for the last four years. The medication has doubled, and I have added another anxiety medication, on the list.

I have come a long way, through the course of addiction, and it is not the same thing now. I am taking, what the Doctor say’s that I should be taking, and no more. I have this Spirit living inside of me, and He is leading me in the direction that I should be going. I am pretty sure, that in another month, my operation will be completed, and then it will be time, for my chemotherapy to begin.

I am telling you, the reader these things, because I can’t live inside a secret shell. I am a Christian, and I want to continue to be a Christian. I love living the life of a Christian, and writing this blog is my ministry to the Lord. I tell all the things, which I have grown from, and how the Lord has blessed me. I share my life with you to hopefully show you how to avoid the mistakes that I have made.  My main objective is to show you how great a God we love and worship, and how much He loves us.

Being considered a Christian is the most honorable thing that I have ever done.  Have you ever really considered the price that Jesus paid, so the entire world could have the privilege, to be a part of the family?

I was speaking about the difference in attitudes of myself. Nobody likes to point out the faults that we have, on the inside of us. Especially the grosser ones, I have been delivered from some of the pitiful sins known to man. I am grateful that I haven’t been guilty, of all of the sins, and what I have has been enough. In the book of Isaiah, the author describes the best of us, upside the Lord.

Isaiah 64:6  But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

I believe that the change will take place, in us in Heaven, and we will no longer be, in that kind of a mess. I cannot possibly phantom, this kind of a difference, in my life. I know that I am a mess of a person, but I really try to change my style, to please the Lord. I fail completely time after time.

I know that Satan is trying his best to take me out of this world, because of the cancer. I am leaning harder on Jesus, and turning an opportunity for failure, into an opportunity for success, in the way I see things. Now the drugs that I am taking for pain and anxiety are messing with my memory, and making me nod out, and robbing me of my focus. I will not be defeated, and if I can’t continue with my ministry, I will take some time off rather than make my Lord look less than perfect, because of lameness!!

I had a hit and run driver, who nipped my rear-end of my bicycle today. He slowed down at the red light, and turned right, and nipped my brand new rear wheel. I starting yelling and he just kept on going. It didn’t knock me over, but he should have stopped the car. I need to get more serious about my prayer life, because I know that Satan has his sights set on me!! I am convinced that nothing less than Spiritual Warfare is needed to save my physical life, because I know that my Soul rests with Jesus!!

I never figured that I would be much of a target for Satan. I guess the things that I write, that expose his madness, and trickery, that keeps the un-saved, from coming to the Saving knowledge, and grace of Jesus Christ is having a Spiritual effect on him. All that I can say is good, and it is time to shake off the dust, and pour out the ammo, which is the Word of God.

The last three weeks, I have been praying the prayer, of putting on, the whole Armor of God. When there is something that I suggest that, you do to gain knowledge and strength, in your Christian life, I also do it. I realize that we are in a battle, and it is going to end, and quickly. Before it will end it is going to get a lot worse. Watch you television news.   Is it getting worse?      Can you see the Spiritual warfare taking place nightly?   Satan knows that his time is up, and he must pout the heat way up on high!!   He knows that he can’t win the war, because he knows that he has already lost, and he knows that his home will be, in the eternal pit of fire!!

Those of us that have been Saved, by the grace, of Jesus Christ, need to show our love and appreciation to Jesus. We need to tell our Brothers, and Sisters, that the Devil is a lie, and the Father of all lies!! Sometimes we get comfortable in knowing that, we are going to Heaven and all else can go to hell. Jesus died on the cross, for everybody to escape the flames of hell, and we owe it to Jesus to tell those that are lost about Him.

John 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 

Ain’t Jesus Awesome?

         …..Much Love  

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