
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hell Insurance Revealed

Those of you that follow this blog realize that, there are a few things that I find quirky. One of the main ones has to be the one that, I call Hell insurance. I didn’t give the name to that phrase. I have actually heard several preachers say that, and I am not sure what denomination that they were. I am not too much, on the denomination of a preacher. I am more concerned that, he is preaching, the Word of God.

I have been concerned about that phrase, Hell insurance, since the first time that I heard it. I believe that I now know what my concern is, and how it has come about. I have avoided tackling this subject, because until I got the ok from Holy Spirit to proceed, I would be nearing the grounds of heresy. The last thing that, I want to do is contradict, the Word of God. 

The reason that, I feel that it would be border lining on heresy is the fact that, most people like to take the Word, out of context. Even in today’s versions, of the watered down Bibles, if we don’t like something, then we tend to act like it is not there. 

Romans 10:9  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.  

What is wrong with this verse?     It is a part of what, we tend to call, the Romans road to Salvation. Do you see anything wrong with it?   That is right; there is nothing wrong with this verse, except maybe one thing. To receive Salvation, this is what you do, but to receive Salvation, there is a part missing. Often we forget that, nobody simply decides that, they are going to get Saved.

I am not sure that pastors are so consumed with getting great numbers, because of filled out decision cards, that they ignore this fact altogether. What does filling out a decision card really mean?   Do churches get some kind of a bonus, for the most filled out, in a month/year?

John 6:44  No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. 

I used to hear this truth preached a lot. Unless Holy Spirit draws a man to the cross. Showing the person their sin, and pointing to Jesus, as the only solution, there will be no Salvation. I wonder how many folks thought that, they have been Saved, in the great crusades? Thousands of people, walk the isle’s to receive their Salvation, because a friend thought that, it would be cool to go. Most Christians didn’t get this way, because Jesus was the cool way to go. We got this way, because Jesus was the last resort that, we had to choose from!!

Actually, there was nothing cool, or attractive about Jesus, until I got to know Him. I didn’t want anything to do with Jesus, because I had my own agenda. I was going to be different, from most people. I was really too smart to get caught up in religion.

 1Corinthians 1:18  For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. 

This verse is a great verse. It describes the way that, we used to be before, we received our Salvation. If you will carefully read the last part of this verse, it explains the difference. But; that means everything that was said to this point has been cancelled out. Unto us which are Saved…..    Let’s stop there and allow this to penetrate our Spirit, because it is going to end with a huge bang!!    Ready?   Ready?    Let’s go!!

The cross is the power of God to those who are Saved!!   Stay with me now, because I am going to tie all, of this together. If we have the power of God, then why would we be depending on Hell insurance?   You can’t convince me that, there are lazy Christians, in this world. Either you are born again, or you’re not. There aren’t but two different ways that, you can be.

I think that some folks just rub down, in grace and mercy, until there is nothing but their eyeballs showing, and think that will work. They are deceived because some “Preacher,” led them to believe that, they were Saved. However, when they stand before Jesus, at the Great White Throne Judgment, it is over.
Matthew 7:22-23  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

If you will pay attention, these folks were not sitting back depending, on a Hell insurance policy. They were out in the field doing something. The problem was that they were also deceived. Satan had fooled them also. Satan has had so long to sharpen his craft of deception, that often times it is hard to tell the difference. However it is not impossible.

I realize that sometimes we can become backslidden, and wonder off, from the will of God. A Hell insurance policy is totally different though. We have never been Saved, and never been in the will of God. When Jesus comes into the life of a sinner, He immediately starts reforming the life, of the former sinner. Most of the time He will start out small, but will eventually change so much that, the difference can’t be hid. Jesus changes the lives of those that have confessed their sin, at the foot of the cross, and accepted His sacrifice that Jesus made for them.

If you seem to be a lazy, unenthused sort of a Christian, then you have a problem. If you don’t make time to study the Word of God, then you have a problem. If you spend more time with your non-christian friends, then you have a problem. I will dare to say that, if the most of your day is not consumed with thoughts of Jesus, then you have a problem.

In closing I want to say that a Hell insurance policy is a counterfeit move where Satan, has deceived those that, believe that they can live like hell, and still go to Heaven. Although, there are those that are trying to live good lives, and still aren’t Saved. The church is full of them. If there is any doubt if you are one of these, simply go to Jesus and ask.    Ain’t Jesus Awesome?

           ….Much Love    

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