
Friday, June 13, 2014

Knowing About v.s. Knowing

I realize that I am not much of an author. I don’t use proper grammar and punctuation, most of the time. If I didn’t use spell check, most people would tune me out quickly. The most spectacular issue, about my writing is the fact, that I have an awesome subject, which I write about. It is a subject that is really dear to my heart, and if it is dear to your hearts also, then it bonds us together.   Amen?

I even realize that, some of the issues that, I write about doesn’t make me popular, with the in crowd. Actually, I am not in the “in crowd,” because I am with the Jesus crowd, and that is the only crowd that, I have ever fit in anyway. You can see that I have taken all of my eggs, and placed them in the same basket. By doing this I have a guarantee that, my life will be spent with Jesus for eternity. I am not talking about going to Heaven, or even having to wait, until my physical body dies. I am talking about the moment that, I made this decision it started. 

1Samuel 12:22  For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name's sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people

It has pleased the Lord to make you (us) His people.  When you first read that, how did it make you feel?   Did you feel anything at all?    Did it change the way that, you think or feel?     Other than that bubbly, warm feeling inside that, I am loved, I also feel encouraged, by these words.  I can’t how some folks claim to be Christians, and walk around, so defeated all the time.

Maybe they are practicing their own form of Christianity.   Could that be the culprit in their lives?   A lot of people are total control freaks, even at the point of controlling God.  That is really sad, because the God of all Creation cannot be contained. We can’t even in our mind build, a box that, He will fit in. I have been guilty of doing this before. I have thought of God like He was nothing more, than a genie in a box. The only time I wanted Him to come out was when I wanted something, or was in trouble.

I am just being honest, about the things that I have gone through in life with God. Actually, Father and I have had quite a history together, and I was the problem.   How do you think that I know that, God can’t be contained?    Some lessons have taken me a long time to learn, and I am sharing my experience, so others might avoid the same mistakes.

Like many others, I have tried to form, my own brand of Christianity, and unfortunately I started with God. I had hung around the twelve-step crowd for so long I thought that I could have a god of my understanding. That alone is enough to make a Christian walk around defeated. I have learned that, if I am going to have a relationship with God, then I have to learn who God is, and that He is already complete, like He is.

Where can I learn who God really is, and what that, He is like?    There are many ways that, we try to figure out who God is. We read spiritual books, and magazines, and we talk to those that, we think are spiritual. Sometimes we send our hard earned money, to the television Evangelist who promises us everything that, we want to hear, to get our money, and of course it is in Jesus name. They must say the right things, to keep us fooled!!

Ok,…..I need to move on because this is a tender spot for me!!   All those ways that I just spoke about is definitely not, the way to get to know God, at least not at first. When you grow in wisdom, then you will be able to discern, which ones of these are worthy, of your attention. I will tell you right now, the sure fire way, to get to know God, and not about God. That is a major problem within the Christian community. We think that we know about God, instead of taking the time, to know Him intimately.

John 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. 

Jesus said that He was the way, and the only way to the Father. There have been millions, or maybe more, because I don’t have a clue what the number actually is; who has trusted these words from Jesus, and have truly found their way, back to the Father. There is no other way!!    There is no other way!!     There is no other way!!  Got it?   If you seek another way, at this crucial step, in your Salvation, you will remain lost, and without any hope. If you don’t for a relationship with Jesus Christ first, and foremost, then it will be impossible, to ever know the Father. Time to move forward…….

One you repent of your sins, at the foot of the cross, which Jesus shed His blood, for the sacrifice of our sins, something marvelous will happen. God will come into your Spirit, in the form of the Holy Spirit, and live there forever.  No joke now,…..God Himself moves right on in, and starts teaching us the way that, we should live.    Why does He do this?     Because once you really get Saved, everything in your life will change. 

This brings me to the second way to get to know Father. Take notice that once you accept Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection, and claim Him as your Savior, you will no longer refer to God as God, because He becomes, as well as you, are family. You are related by the blood of Jesus!!  Welcome to the family!!

Ok,….The second way that we get to know Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit is by God’s Word. You will no longer be adding a fairy tale at best, because Holy Spirit will open your heart, and fill it with Godly knowledge. He will give you understanding of the Word of God, that you never thought would be possible. More than that, He will teach you how to speak to add glory, to the life of Jesus.

Everything is all about Jesus, and it’s all about our relationship with Him.    Ain’t Jesus Awesome?

      ….Much Love  

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