
Monday, January 10, 2011

the thunder rolls

...............and the rain pours today, as the lightning strikes at my house,.............and i love it!!!  i do feel sorry for the homeless right now though. they have been scrambling all night seeking shelter from the weather. the luckier ones that  have tents today are bound up inside trying not to touch the top or sides, because it will cause it to start leaking.
living in a nice tent can open doors for a different kind of freedom. the problem is that you've moved into the woods, and have invaded many different creatures home. the skeeters welcome you with every bite that they take from you. they see you as a source of food, and you are more than welcome in their home.
i'm really not sure what the deal is with the flies. maybe they are attracted to your smell. they just want to land on you, and visit a while. have you ever seen the pictures of starving kids in Africa?        they are always covered with flies. they have grown so used to them being on their bodies that they no longer are putting up a fight. i've never been in that kinda shape, and i hope that i never am!!
here in Florida we have a very special kind of fly. they are yellow colored. they will run you down, and bite the living hell out of you!!  these flies are vicious is a complete understatement. they love the thrill of a good chase. the harder that you run..........the more of them that join in the attack.
just because it's raining like hell, and i'm in a real good mood, i thought that i would show you what the beautiful yellow fly looks like up close................really up close!!

 ain't he simply stunning!!  now can you imagine have several of this critters after you at the same time? they are just mean!! they don't bite a plug from you and go away. they will just keep biting, and biting, until you kill them. i guess that they don't have these in africa, because the kids just wouldn't let these bad boys feast on them!!
ants can be a big problem if you store food, or eat inside of your tent. they are coming inside regardless of what that you do .i've seen a jar of peanut butter in the woods where ants actually ate through the lid on the jar to get the bounty inside. i guess that it's save to say that they have few boundaries.
i can understand why so many homeless consume so much alcohol, but the last thing that you want to do is drank enough to pass out in the woods. especially, close to a fire ant hill!! i met a guy once that had done that, and every part of his body that i could see was covered in bites. he was covered completely up with these nasty bites that these ungodly critters leave on you after they feast. the was swollen up from head to toe, and looked like he was fixing to explode any minute, and spatter puss on anybody near him!!

well the sun has finally gone down, and hopefully you had victory over your day battle with the bugs. you are settling in for a good night rest, and round two starts. all the other critters of the woods come from near, and far to investigate their new neighbor. most of these wont hurt you. they are just curious to who moved in their home uninvited. coons, possums, and snakes wander around your campsite all night. i've never really figured out how to keep the coon, and possums out of your food supply, because if they want it, then they will have it!! i've seen both scale a tree, and slip down the rope to where your stash is hanging. do you know that a possum can eat while hanging upside-down?

i guess that i need to get back to being homeless in the rain. it really only seems to be a big deal in the winter time. once your wet then the pain, and suffering can last for what seems like an eternity. if you can get a break from the rain long enough to go to the library then you have some entertainment for the day.
the library seems to be about the only place that accepts homeless folks with no hassle. you can pretty much tell who they are, because they are carrying what's left of their lives on their backs. the library is a great place to learn about new, and different ways to get back up, once you've fallen down.
do you realize that the average,.............naa,............that word average don't even fit in this statement let's start over,........OK?   do you realize that most of the homeless people that have been in that shape for a while are smarter than you? that's the only reason that they are still out there. they had to raise the bar on themselves to survive in a world that sees them as outcast.
hold on just a minute!!..................I'm not trying to insult the intelligence of those scholars out there. i am simply stated a fact of the nature of man. you have to become smarter to survive in a world of total chaos. not all those that fall into the world of being homeless are capable of finding the intelligence to cope, and rise about their situation. they were simpletons, and the phrase pure dumb ass fits them well. you might have run into some in this category before, but they don't last long. usually they kill themselves, or somebody else does it for them.
the homeless live in a world that's located inside a bubble. the bubble goes every where that they do.  they grow cold to the jeers from others that it no longer even registers. get your hair cut, or get a job you bum is old news to them. honestly, most of them would love to have a job. the fact that they can't keep clean long enough to get one, and keeping it is a hindrance to them. now,.........I'm talking about the soap, and water kind of clean. clean clothes is another important issue to them also.
in a general well economy they have one factor on their side, and that called the labor pool. a labor pool exploits the homeless, because they know that they don't have anything good going for them. they send them out everyday to do the dirtiest, nastiest jobs that most people wont do themselves. it usually consist of some back breaking labor in the sun. a good example would be running a shovel all day while the boss sits on a backhoe tractor drinking cold water in the shade.
at the end of the day the labor pool will pay them approximately 1/4 of the pay that they received for them working. does that sound like something that you would tolerate in your life?   you have to be at the end of your rope with absolutely no options to do this kind of work. the honest truth is that there is somebody willing to do this really shitty deal everyday.
i can give you a true example of the kinds of work that these places offer. i was sent to a company one day for a cleaning job. the boss man took me out in the middle of a field where this tank was sitting under the blaring sun. he said that he wanted me to crawl through the small opening in the top, and clean out all the oil inside of it. he didn't offer me any more clothes, or shoes to wear other than what i was wearing. he did make the statement to me that i should have brought a jug of water with me, because it gets kinda hot inside of the tank, and i could become quickly dehydrated.

i just looked at him, and asked if he had a phone that i could use. he said yes, but why? i told him that i needed to call the labor pool, and have them send another slave out here, because there was no way in hell that i was going to crawl inside that tank little lone clean the oil out of it!!!
he started telling me that i had to do it, because it was my job. i will not tell you the words that i choose to speak to that man, because i find it embarrassing to have to treat a human being that way. let's just say that i made it plain, and clear that i didn't have to do that job. i choose to walk down the road rather than use his phone.
when i made it back to the labor pool they did apologize for sending me out there, because that man never made it clear to them what his intentions were with that job. low and behold,...........somebody else went out there and done that job that very day.
i guess me whole point is that if your one of those that tell the homeless to get a job you might want to think twice about it before you do it again. i can almost guarantee you that they have done work that you would not do yourself!!

i've worked myself into a frenzy.............and i'm outta here!!!

                            .................much love

1 comment:

  1. If I were unemployed, especially homeless, I would do any job offered to me and do it gladly. Yep....that's right.....digging ditches, shoveling shit, whatever. Anything to make some money to get by. No one is too good to make money doing any job. Thank goodness someone was grateful enough and willing to do the job he was fortunate enough to be offered. Of course the homeless will be given the worst jobs and not office jobs. I would think anyone struggling would do whatever to put food on the table and not walk away. I would! And not complain and I'd be grateful. Jobs are hard to find even for the most educated.
