
Monday, January 3, 2011

a fantasy life

 A fantasy life.............oh my how many times that i wished that i had another life, but the one that I'm living!! man,.......i've wished for riches, wealth, and power. exactly all the things that i don't have today.  I've spent countless hours wishing that i was better looking, or more educated. i think that if i was more educated, and more handsome that my life would have been better. I've spent hours, and hours simply wishing for something different.
I've considered all the different possibilities. a great career with a bonus system like the guy's that work on Wall Street. a home so nice, and large that i can't even afford to pay the water bill today.  my own  really nice, fast, and expensive cars, and a Rolls in the garage, with a driver if i wanted to look impressive. suits tailor made to fit just my size, and vacations any where in the world that i want to go visit.
wouldn't that life be sweet? how many of y'all even think like that? i would guess that everybody does every once in a while. here is my question to you. would you do it? i mean would you really give up all that is in your life today to live the life of your dreams? would you sacrifice everything in your life today to have that luxurious lifestyle that looks so good?
you might have to go back a long way to achieve this greatness. you might even have to have new parents. you could be born into a different family, and never shared the joy, and the pain with the one that you have now. it's possible that you might not even know those that are close to you now, and more than likely wouldn't know any of them.
your entire existence would be different than it is now. you wouldn't even look at life the same way. the things that you've learned to appreciate through your struggles today  wouldn't mean a thing to you. you would have a different attitude about most of the stuff that you deeply care about today. you might not even care about the things that you do today. you might be way too preoccupied with the things in your new life to even care.
does anybody see where that I'm going here?   I've thought about this for a long time, and I'm still thinking about it. i really can't see a way to give up all that I've ever known, and be truly happy.
i have come to the final conclusion that we were placed here to live out the lives that we have right now. I'm not saying that it couldn't have been made different before, because i do believe that we have free will. the life that each one of us live today is by our own choosing. we've made some mistakes in our past, and believe it or not, we will in our future also. if your really not happy with your current life you have the power to change it, but it wont be the fantasy life that you dreamed of having in your past.
i wouldn't change a thing in my life today. i am a product of a tee-teetotaler alcoholic for a father, and a psychotic woman for a mother. i have two have sisters by my mother, and two by my father. i do love with all my heart my mother, father, and two sisters by my mom. i don't care for the ones by my father for two reasons. i never knew them growing up, and they tried to take advantage of me latter on in my life. actually, i let them, because i couldn't have cared less about them, and it was a way to get rid of them.
i don't have a great education, but i surely have enough to get by in this life. i grew up in what I've always called God's country, and i couldn't replace that event for anything. you might say that I'm a redneck, country boy from Alabama, and i would just smile. I'm very proud of my southern heritage.
I'm proud of all the struggles that I've had in my life, because it has made me the man that i am today. my health is not what it once was, and some mornings i can barely get up. the thing is that when i do the sun is shinning most days, and i thank the good Lord that i have another chance to get it right.
I've had some very difficult times in my life, and i still do. the reality is that I'm happy with what i have today, and you should be also. we don't have but one chance at this life. when it over there is not a second shot. take what you've been handed by life, and add your own special self to it. i know that you are special, because I've realized over the years that there is something special about myself.
the really bad thing is that most of us don't know that we are designed a perfect being to begin with, but we are. sometimes we kinda screw that up, but the real self inside of us is perfect. there are things that only you can do, and situations that only you can handle. only you can tame the most savage beast in somebody else, but not in everybody. they are a few people in this world that you can help them change into something special. your actions can give them great hope where nobody else can.
OK,.........I'm getting long winded now, and i really don't want to be. i simply want you to know that no matter how tough your life is today, or how easy it might be that your right on track. you are the person that you were designed to be, and your living for a greater purpose than you can see right now. what I'm asking you to do right now is please don't give up. no matter what your going through. if it is bad, then work on changing your situation. it is very possible!! i started out with several things against me, and i still have a few today. the thing is that I'm happy today, and if i can achieve happiness,.........i know that you can also!!

                                                    ...............much love

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