
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

wrong again!!

I'm sitting here pecking this out to you with a pair of warped as hell glasses just barely hanging on my face. there are really scratched up, and i can barely see through them. without some kind of glasses on i really can't see the keyboard, or even the monitor. it's rough getting older!!
the reason that I'm even bringing this up is because i bought a new pair at the Family Dollar a couple weeks ago. i frequent that store often. i would say that I'm in there at least four times a week, if not more.
i've learned over time when buying the reading glasses that i need to purchase the ones with thick frames, because the thin ones warp almost as soon as i walk out the door with them. most of the time those glasses will last a few months until they get so scratched up that i can no longer see through them. it's really not a bad deal for 6-8 bucks. it sure beats the alternative!!
this last pair only lasted about two weeks. the right arm just snapped one night. seeing how i'm kinda cheap, and broke at the same time i decided to continue to use them. i could balance them fine on my nose, and they hadn't become scratched at all.
yesterday i was in Wal-Greens, and the other arm just snapped off. it clearly had to be a defect with the product that i had bought. they are Foster Grant glasses, and i never thought that they would have been made so cheap. i thought that i would simply take them back to the Family Dollar where i bought them, and they would replace them with no problem.
i walked in the store, and went and found the woman manager. i have made a point to know who is in charge of the stores that i shop in, and make my presence known. having been in management before i know that this is a good way to clear up any future problems that might arise.
i pulled out the broken glasses, and started talking to her, and all of a sudden she got this look come crossed her face, like i was dumbfounding her.   yep,..............that's right,.................that stupid look like she had just fell 60 points on her I.Q.!!         i knew that i was in trouble, because i've saw this look on peoples faces before, and the outcome is never positive.
she took me to the back to see the other manager, and if i didn't stick my foot in my mouth when i said that he was the one on the register that day that i bought it...................ut-oh!!!          i flubbed up!!       i could sense that things were fixing to get a little crazy, but i still had a spark of hope left that he would replace these glasses.
that thought was shattered with the quickness that those two managers came into one mind in accord with each other totally filled with fear, and ignorance to the maximum level  without exploding to the level of complete dumb ass!!   this was not good!!
i must have been smoking some of that grade A, because all of a sudden i decided to trip with them. the seemed to melt together and become as one. this large black man standing behind this smaller, older white lady. they went into different tangents at the same time. she pulled her glasses off her face, and starting bending the arms outward, saying that if she don't that to her glasses that they would look like mine!!         at the same time this dude is still tripping over the fact that i said that he sold them to me.
i finally got their attention , and said all that is fine. i just want to know if you will replace these glasses?  the dude said not without a receipt.
even thought if you would just look at them you would see that the problem was with the defect from the factory?                   not without a receipt.

my mind gets me in trouble a lot.          not bad trouble, just a little minor irritation of trouble. i'm sure that most of you have no idea that my greatest strenghth is also one of my greatest weaknesses.  funny how that works that way sometimes?
i can be,................and often have taken great pride in,.....................the fact that i can be a super smart ass,........at times when highly irritated, and surrounded by a raw case of the dumb assed syndrome!! I'm good at it also!!  i think it was all though  years in management myself listen to all the stuff that had no effect on me, and designing my own brand of torture to strike in a business sense. i know that all that personal madness just don't effect anything much, but if a person has any pride in their jobs............i will give them something to think about!!

i said do mean to tell me that one,........of you two managers,...........can't take the time to appease one of your fequent customers with a concern?
your not even concerned with the quality of the things that you sell here to even show enough interest to look at the product?
that's really not a good reflection on the store here, and the management of this store here seems to be lacking in people skills. your customers should be made to feel comfortable spending their hard earned money here while keeping you a job. I'm sure that they named this store " Family Dollar"  for a reason?
I'm leaving the store now, because i have no desire of making a scene, but if something don't change you will both be needing a job.

i was having a really hard time walking through the store keeping a straight face in the process. my humor had overridden any anger that i might have had at one time, and i barely made it out the door before i burst out in laughter.  some folks are so petty. they need to enjoy what they do, or do something else. life is way too short to spend  time doing something that we think is worthless..

what are my future plans concerning this store?                 i'm sure that the only thing that will change is what i purchase from now on. i just can buy anything that i might break. i can still buy cokes in there, and most of my junk food.
i plan to return to the person that i always were to begin with. every time that I'm in that store i will be friendly with the management. just because they have life all mucked up doesn't give it any right to effect my life.
people ought to really think about the way that they treat others. especially when doing business. they might think that I'm just one customer, but i have friends also to tell about this adventure. i also have a great number of readers from all around the world!!
at the end of the day nothing has really changed. just another adventure for Mr Illusion of Confusion.............no harm,..............and no foul,............................but,...........

                             ..............much love

1 comment:

  1. What the hell? With your many years in management you should realize that you cannot make a return without a receipt! Anywhere... even Family Dollar. Giving people grief for doing their job isn't helping.
