
Monday, January 28, 2013

Too excited to give it a title!!

I guess if there is anybody reading these blogs on a regular basis then you know that the events of Sunday have me pretty excited. They were going to have a service this morning at 9:30 A.M. I didn't go to the one last night, because I really needed to let this settle down in my Spirit. It was a big deal to me. The God, and Creator of everything that we know made a decision yesterday. He decided to come to my church, and reveal Himself to me!!
Now, I don't know who y'all favor most in this world, but I had a dream come true yesterday!! I was fairly excited when I met Aerosmith in 1989. I spent some time at south Beach in Miami, and saw countless famous people. Depending on their attitude I got a charge out of meeting them. I am sorry y'all, and will not make any apologies for saying this.....I got my all time greatest high yesterday when the Almighty Creator choose to reveal Himself to me!!
I got up at 5:00 this morning just to go over to McDuff, and tell my buddy what happened. I got there a little before six. I saw another friend of mine, and had to tell him what had happened. I only told good Christian people that I knew would believe me. Just because they are in a Christian facility, by no way means, that they know the Lord.
As I was tell this man what had happened, something started coming over me. It seemed that every hair on my body was standing up with a goose bump underneath. I noticed that I was very wide eyed, and simply tickled to tell the story.
I finally made it on back in the kitchen to talk with my other friend. I told him all the events that had transpired yesterday. I thought that he might have even been more excited to hear about it, than I was to have been in the mist. I soon found out what all his excitement was about. He told me that was just the beginning of things to come. Me and this feller have been talking almost everyday for over a year. He knows about my beliefs, and the boldness that I possess.
He said that he always knew that God had a special plan for my life. He knew that by the power of my conviction for the things of God. He has watched me grow over the last year, and he knows the story of my past. This is a man that understands the things of God that I haven't encountered quite yet.
Yesterday was a first for me. I thought that I knew God, and was getting to know Him more each day. I guess that is true in a sense, but everything has changed now. Maybe I had got to the point where God was gonna have to change the field that I was playing on. I might have learned all there was to learn on the level that I was on.
The truth as far as from my perspective is that God showed me something yesterday. I am thinking it compares to Moses experience when God told him to hide in the cleft on the rock, and when He walked past. Moses was allowed to see God walking away from him. I am sitting here thinking that sounds bold to compare my event with Moses's, but that is the best that I can do right now, and that's how i roll!!
Trust me when I say this: Keep on reading, because tomorrow I am going to try to explain something else that I don't understand. This little ride started out as a kiddie ride, but I got a feeling it is going to grow into a much wilder ride!! Honestly, I have got a hold of something, or maybe something has got a hold of me, either way this is completely mind blowing.
I am starting to understand what people meant that had some supernatural encounter with God. It makes complete sense to me now. Before I was totally lost, and very skeptical of what they were saying. If I am going to be honest here, and you know that I am. I thought that most of these folks were simply off their trolley!! I am putting it in a nice way also.
I just need to stop writing now, and try to let my mind settle down. I have been playing a game while I have been writing this. You know,......Take a break and play. Still, my mind is racing harder, and faster than it ever has yet. It is a different type racing mind though, …..I can comprehend my thoughts, and play skillfully. Wow!! I don't understand that either!!

…........Much Love

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