
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Like a bunch of sheep for the slaughter

Day three, and it just keeps rolling forward. I think that I am ready to tell you what happened in the service yesterday. I went expecting to receive something from God. I wanted to receive something from God. Why else would anybody go to church on a Monday morning at 9:30?
I got to the church around 9:25. I always like to get there a little early so I could have time to pray and greet a few people. Walking around, and speaking with people, and shaking their hands is very important to me. The reason being that I am really shy, and have severe issues of trust with people. It is like a face my fears kinda thing, and honestly they are the ones that I chose to call my church family. Actually, they are the only family that I have now. If I can help it they really don't need to know the issues that God, and myself are working on presently.
By the time that I walked into the sanctuary the countdown had already begun. I could not believe all the people that showed up. They could have filled the first five front sections. There had to be from five to seven hundred folks there. Might have been more. I am not really good with the numbers.
We sang two songs I think, and went straight into the Word. My emotions were off the chain again. I simply gave up trying to control them. I know this much that when it was all over I had a pocket full of napkins from Mickey D's that I had used for wiping tears, and blowing my nose!!
Every word that Nathan spoke in that sermon was like God sitting next to me, and talking directly to me. It was like He was telling me that what I have been through the last few years was coming to an end soon. That I have done well, and it was time to move into the next phase of action in my life. He let me know that I needed to be separated for a while now, so I could learn even more about Jesus, and His plan for me. He let me know that I had reached my ending, and it was time to walk in God's beginning.
This was a powerful word that I really didn't expect to be hearing. I couldn't tell you what was going on around me. I was in perfect tune with every word that came out of Nathans mouth. My eyes followed him in every step that he took. I was glued to that pew, and my heart was simply breaking, because God had not just a word for me. He had a complete sermon just for me, and I couldn't have been any more happy than I was right then.
Once Nathan finished his sermon he made a statement that I found quite shocking. He said since the crowd wasn't that large that everybody could get a touch from God if they wanted to. I forgot that he was used to holding his church in the civic center in Mobile Alabama. I guess that our crowd was nothing compared to what he is used to dealing with.
I knew that I was gonna get mine. I had settled that issue with Father the night before!! I went there simply, because I need a touch from God, and I wanted a touch from God. There was no way that Nathan was leaving that building without out me receiving my blessing!!
He lined up different sections at a time. It was quite amazing to watch. He started with the right side of the stage, and then to the left side. Then he moved to the floor in front of the alter. My church is not small. It seats roughly three thousand people, so you can grasp the multitude of people. The he lined them up the right side of the wall to the break between the first, and second seating sections. Then from the right wall To the left wall, and back down toward the alter.
They just didn't line us all up, like a bunch of sheep for the slaughter. (Pun Intended) They had us go in sections. This man has a serious Anointing of God on his life. I have saw him twice now sweat clear through a suit!! He takes a bottle of water, and makes two swallows out of it.
OK.             I am trying to stall while I figure out what to do next. I don't have enough room to finish this story within my own personal guidelines that I have set for myself. I try to keep it around one page, so you don't lose interest. I have made Sunday's writing in two parts, and I guess that I need to do the same with this one.

            Yep,...............That's right,..............
                                                                  Will be continued............

…...........Much Love

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