
Friday, January 24, 2014

The Dilemma

Good Morning!!    Do you ever have one of those nights where you can’t sleep? You spend more time tossing, and turning, with you mind flooded with thoughts, and so you get up. That is what has happened to me. This is really strange for me though. I am not worried about nothing. I simply can’t get over how good God is to those who accept the blood sacrifice of His Son Jesus, and come into a relationship with Father.

I have come to the conclusion, that all the people, on this planet have a couple decisions to make.  It seems to cause a lot of folks difficulty, in expanding their mind far enough, to grasp this concept. The dilemma is that that can’t seem to grasp the notion, that we have a Creator, older than time, and far more intelligent, than we will ever be. I really believe the intelligence factor is what many get hung up on. Surely, there can’t be somebody out there, that knows more about our life than us? 

Then our Creator makes the claim, that He is Holy, and tells us to be the same way. The only reason we know this is because, of the ancient book called the Holy Bible. This book is inspired by our Creator, to offer a blue-print, of how to live our lives. People have all sorts of problems accepting this as the truth. Many will say that that will accept this part as the truth, but really need to pass on that other part. It just doesn’t fit into the lifestyle, that we want to live. 

There are stories throughout the times past how life with God was working out, for those who were following Him. Naturally, there were always those that opposed God, and they always met their own fate.  There was even a time when God destroyed the earth, because everybody was doing their own thing. They were off the chain!!  There wasn’t but one family saved to start over. 

The really sad thing is that God sent Jesus to earth to redeem us, and the religious folks didn’t recognize Him. He had been prophesied for years, and they were too blind, to recognize Jesus, as the Messiah. They eventually beat Him within a few breathes of His life, and then hung Him on the cross. He was only thirty-three years old, and Satan thought that he had taken care of Jesus, once and for all!!

Silly wabbitt he was, because at that point the mission of Jesus had been completed!! Three days later He arose from the grave, resurrected if you please. Jesus promised that all those that would believe on Him, and the One that sent Him, would be Saved, from death, hell, and the consequences of their sin.
He also said, that we would go to His home, and live with Him in Heaven.

 I really can’t tell you all that we will do in Heaven however, there are a few things that stick out. Like no pain, nor sorrow, and no sickness, nor death. Neither will there be any ill feelings between anybody.   Do you know what that really means?     It means that nobody will ever offend me again, and even better than that, I will not offend others!!   Gee,….That must be Heaven!!

Now, when I first started talking about this, I said that we all have two decisions, which we can make. I spent most of the time putting the one inside a nutshell. The other one I will not be doing that much with it. Any choice, or decision that you make other than God in your life, is the wrong one.           Do you realize what your reward for not choosing God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit is?    Eternal separation from God, and that is a steep price to pay on our own, especially, when Jesus has already paid the price of our sin.

Here is a couple snazzy little verses to help you, in making the right choice. Isaiah 43:7  Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

Deuteronomy 30:19  I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

A no brainer ….right?              Ain’t God good?            

            ….Much Love        

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