
Friday, December 24, 2010

oh,........... the joy

i went to the store while ago to get a few supplies, and it looked like a ghost town. i kept wondering where all the people were then this horrible thought hit me:  maybe Jesus came back, and i didn't made the cut!! I've never saw this part of Jax so dead in my life. then as i rounded the corner to Winn Dixie i realized that i hadn't missed the boat. everyone on this side of town was shopping in the Winn Dixie!!
great,.......i thought. I'll never get out of here today.         sure enough that store was packed to the gills. i made it through the crowds to the things that i needed to pick up, and went to get in line. for the first time in my life every cashier slot was open, and they all had large lines with buggies full of good things. there was this one line that a manager just opened up with one person in it. i quickly strolled over to it with this big ole alligator grin on my face, because i just knew that i did good.
it didn't take long for that grin to become a serious look of depression, because that one guy had started an argument with the manager over the price of beer. i couldn't  believe this, because the guy wasn't even drunk!! who argues over the price of beer when they aren't even drunk yet?
anyway,...........the manager took off to the back of the store to look at the beer. in the meantime i found a pair of toe nail clippers in the checkout line, and set down in the aisle pulling my shoes, and socks off to clip my toenails.                OK,..........you got me,...........i was just joking, but i could have by the time that he got back!!
he did finally return, and dealt with the sober man wanting to argue about the price of beer. turns out the dude should have been drunk, because the whole store realizes now that he can't comprehend what he reads!! there was not even a sign that said that the beer he got was even on sale. it was another beer to begin with.......geeze louise!!
but,............hey,..........it's Christmas time,..............aren't we supposed to be more tolerant of the mentally lame? he looked like he was probably to busy playing football to even consider learning to read. this was a scary looking dude.     you know,...........the kind that stands well over six feet,.........with half fat, and half muscle, with a head on him like a watermelon. you can bet that i was keeping my smart-assed comments to myself!!

i walked down to the Family Dollar store next for two reason. I'm addicted to coke a cola, and i like their prices on the stuff. like i said before,.......there was nobody in there, so it was quick until i checked out. this one girl said to me happy holidays, and all the frustration that had built up in me at Winn Dixie came rushing out. i never have cared for that phrase, because it down grade the true meaning of Christmas.
i looked at her and said,..........Merry Christmas,...........that's what you mean isn't it? she said that her company said that the employees couldn't say that, because somebody might be offended by it. i told her that i was offended by her not saying Merry Christmas.
all of a sudden another employee blurted out Merry Christmas, and immediately following another employee said it also. then that sweet girl that made sure that my cola addiction was being satisfied smiled, and said Merry Christmas. i got so happy that i told everyone that i passed on the way home Merry Christmas. there wasn't but a very few, but i really enjoyed doing it!!
i don't really have much planned for tonight. actually, i plan to cook a small dinner for myself, and Itty Kitty, and that's about it. Bubba has taken off to his folks house for the next couple of days, and all my people are in different states. I'm going to cook just what i want to eat on this Christmas eve. hot wings, and stove top stuffing with cranberry sauce, and fresh giblet gravy. that is enough for me, and the kitty wont eat but a wing or two. my house is clean and warm, and i couldn't ask for any more than that tonight. i guess that i need to start on the gravy before long, because it takes a while to complete.
i love this time of the year. most folks seem a lot happier than normal. there's really not as much stress in the air. people seem to be so much more relaxed. this is the time of the year that most people are concerned about their families. they want to show them that they love them in many different ways. it don't really matter what you have to give them, but it's really important to spend time with them. the time that you share with those that you love is far more important than any gift you could ever give them. i just want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. please remember to share some of that love with somebody that might not have anybody else this time of year. they will always remember it, and you might just make a life long friend in the process.
i don't say this very often, and i really should say it more. just remember that i love y'all, and God does too!!
                                                    Merry Christmas everybody!!!

                                               ....................much love

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