
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

this must just be my day

even though, my nose is driving me slap mad i refuse to let it slow me down.  i went to the store while ago, and realized that it is another beautiful day here in the land of sunshine. i came home, and opened the doors and windows to let the house air out. living down here we have a lot of days like this. tonight it will get near freezing again, but the days can be quite spectacular.
speaking of spectacular,..............did anybody see the lunar eclipse that we had this morning? yep,.......that's right,.........i got out of bed this morning at 2:45 just to see the moon looking red. i like to watch the stars this time of the year anyway. the constellations are much thicker this time of the year, and will remain that way for the next couple months. i can't help but wonder as i look up in the night time skies what lies beyond our vision or technology. the Hubble telescope has opened world that were never thought to have been there. there are absolutely beautiful parts of creation that we never knew that existed. it makes me also wonder about our creator, and the things that He has in store for us later.
i really have a hard time believing that this is all they are to our life. a lot of people believe this way, but i can't buy into that realm of thought. there is so much that we can't learn, or experience in this short time that we have on this planet. there has to be more to experience that could take forever. i am a believer in the here after, and forever seems like such a short time to experience the things that we don't even know about. our Creator has done such a wonderful work just with us, and our bodies, and the things that we know about that i can't imagine what secrets that He has left untold.
i really enjoy writing this blog. it gives me a chance to open myself up, and let the world know that i really do exist. there is a lot more to me than what just appears to be. actually, that could be true about everybody. we all have things deep down inside of us that makes us who we really are. some people just wander in our lives, and disappear just as quick. Sanka has been one of those people. she doesn't come around as much any more, because she got an apartment, and is now living downtown. i hope that she has a happy life, but i can't really see it happening. she is definitely her own worse enemy.  nothing ever seems to be good enough for her. from the time that i first met her i would have thought that her life was alright. she came to America from a war torn land with extreme poverty. you would think that becoming an American citizen would have been the highlight of her life, but for some reason she wants to return back to somewhere in Europe. she has life so mixed up. she now lives in the greatest nation with more freedoms than she has ever experienced, but even still that is not good enough for her. i wonder why she came to America to begin with? i truly hope that one day she can find the peace in her heart that she longs to find.
have you ever met a person that you can't help but to love? Sanka is one of them folks. she really has a good heart inside of her. she will do anything that you need for her to do. she loves to cook, and has no problem sharing her food with you. she took me to the hospital one day, and sit there in the waiting room until i was finished. the whole time she worked on some needle craft while she waited. she is good at that stuff. actually she has a creative Spirit about her. if she would just expand her creative abilities she could support herself doing what she enjoys to begin with. she likes to grow plants also. she can take one plant, and grow more from that one plant. i guess you could say that she has a green thumb.
if she would simply realize that she has talent, and stop complaining about her life so much that she wouldn't be a bad choice as a mate. I'm not talking about for me either. she isn't my type, but she could be a beautiful person to the right man.
I'm getting really proud of Bubba. he has got back in to his music. his music is his life. there is nothing better that a person can do besides something that he loves doing. he spends hours each day working on new stuff for his next album. I've only heard parts of it, but i believe that he has a real winner with one of the songs. it's a slow blues song with plenty of guitar. he makes the blues come alive with that one song. i can't wait to hear the finished product. this one song maybe exactly what he needs to put him over the charts!!
i said before that this must just be my day, but honestly,.........everyday seems to be my day!! i love life, and i love living. i love meeting new people in my life everyday, and the only thing that i have to do is just get out of the house. they are out there, and everybody has a story to tell. i am amazed when ever somebody starts to tell me their story, and they all do in one form or another. some of  the stories are well worth telling my readers about, and some of them not worth speaking of it ever again.
I'm grateful that were all different. wouldn't the world be a boring place if we were all the same? we are the reason that life is worth living. if it wasn't for the human factor life would be pretty dull to say the least. it takes everyone of us with our individual unique abilities to make a story worth telling. maybe it does take a whole village to raise a child?
i'm going to leave y'all with a Christmas song. it's a little different that what you probably expect. you might even say that it's twisted, but it stays in line with me, and my attitude most days...........enjoy!!


                                           ..................much love

1 comment:

  1. Godspeed to Sanka. Could she have left because you are there?? I wonder!
