
Monday, July 8, 2013

It does get stanger...

You might find this strange, but I am sure grateful, that I have not been called to be an offensive speaker. You know the kind that I am talking about? The ones that are always preaching fire and brimstone!! You are going to hell if you don’t repent of your sins!!!! I am pretty sure that most of us know these things, but then again….Who am I really to say. There has to be a reason, that the Lord has them saying the things that they say.

Then again,…..Do you know that here in Jacksonville Florida, there are two documented homosexual churches. I would really like to be a fly on the wall in one of their services. I can’t imagine trying to come before a God, which has already called you an abomination to Him. Would you call that, a dead church or what? I probably should not be writing this, but I believe that I have Father on my side, with the recognition of this façade.

Do you think that God is worried about our having politically correctness? Wouldn’t you think that what God said, and has said, would override what that we call political correctness? I believe that we should act as Peter acted, in the book of the Acts of the Apostles 5:29. When he stated that we should obey God rather than man.

I can get pretty radical about the things that God has said!! If Father has said it, I take it as the truth, and I believe it!! That is not the end of the story. It may be the final line of thought, but it is not the end of the story. Jesus Christ is the end of the story. The final word is Jesus Christ. There are no substitutes, or any other way around Jesus. I know that this entire story of life is almost beyond belief.

Who would have really thought that our creator would actually want to have a relationship with us? Especially, the way that we act at times. We are so stubborn, and strong willed, and are always seeking control of everything around us. Do you ever really wonder how we that attitude, because it had to come from somewhere?

I know where that it came from. It comes from our Father, and our creator. We were created to be royalty. We are of a royal priesthood, but we need to grasp ahold of the fact that we don’t run it. Our Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Kings of Kings, and the Lord of Lords!! Nobody comes to the Father but by Him. Jesus Crist is as good for the whoremonger, as He is for the homosexual. (Matthew 18:14) It is not the will of the Father that anyone is left behind.

That is why Jesus walked on this earth. He set an example for us, and made the ultimate sacrifice, that we could not even make for ourselves. Think about this. The actual Son of our Creator, made a way for us, to live in eternity, forever, and forever, in a land called Heaven, with our Father. Now, how crazy is that in today time?

To me this has been the best offer that I have ever received in my life time. I have always had this complex that I simply didn’t fit in. I was never handsome enough, or smart enough, or willing to jump through the whoops, that life placed before me. I decided early on that I would create the madness of my own hoops, and that nobody, or any other thing would have control of me.

I didn’t realize that Satan was in control of me, and I had no real freedom. I was dangling off the end of his fingertips, simply doing everything that he willed. My life was a life of misery, and I just thought that was the way that it was. I never realized that I had a choice. I honestly thought that my life was supposed to be one of misery, and that was simply the way that it was to be.

This was the problem. Most of my life I knew the story of Jesus. I had even given Him my life at the age of seven. Then something happened in my life nine, or ten years later. Everything suddenly went haywire, and I was catapulted into a world of utter darkness. The only thing that I seemed to know about Jesus or Father was how to use His name as a cuss word!! I could see no goodness in anything to do with God.

I really can’t see why so many folks have a doubt in Holy Spirit. He is the one that got me back to Jesus, and to Father. If it wasn’t for His guidance, I figure that I would still be hell bound. I know that is where I was heading, because there was no good at all left inside of me. It wasn’t the fact that there were any good inside of me to begin with. It was all about Jesus, and what that He did for me.

If you are reading this, and you can relate to anything that I said at all. You are a candidate for the love of Jesus. It really doesn’t matter, if you can relate to what has been said, because you are still a candidate, for what Jesus done for all of us.


………..Much Love


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