
Monday, July 8, 2013

The Real Deal with...

I often wonder, especially now that the readers of this blog have multiplied several times over. I wonder how many readers realize just who, and what I am. I don’t want there to be any confusion about this, because everyone has the right to know. Let me start with this. I am not a preacher, nor have I been called to preach. I have never been to seminary school, and I have no theology training. I have not even taught a Sunday school class, or led a Bible discussion meeting. I don’t even have any degrees, from a college. Have I forgotten anything that I am not? Oh yeah…I am not a deacon in the church, or even an altar worker.

Now with all those qualifications, most folks would think, that I am not qualified to do anything. If you can believe this that is exactly, what I told Jesus, as this blog was changing. He assured me all that I needed to write was what I knew of Him, in my life, and the things that I saw Him do, in the lives of others. Every once in a while He will remind me of something in which I can write.

I just qualified myself, to be writing this blog, but it still doesn’t tell what I am. What I am is quite simple. I am a man that has been drug around the pits of hell, until I found the solution!! That solution was the saving grace of Jesus Christ, and I can never explain the difference in my life. I am “Sold Out,” on the fact that everybody needs what I have found. I have heard about Jesus all my life. I even went to the alter, to give my life to Him, when I was seven years old.  I do believe that He saved me then, and I can’t explain the difference now.

I am not a fanatical person in my everyday life, but I can get highly radical in this blog. I would hate for anybody to miss the change, of knowing Jesus. This is my personal way, of completing the great commission, which is found in Matthew 28: 18-20.  Go ye into all the world, is a command that Jesus gave all of us that believe on Him. This is my way of doing that command. I don’t have the money, to strike out on a world tour. Plus I am way too shy to be of any effectiveness, in front of a large crowd.

I am nothing more, than a real person telling the world, about my relationship with Jesus. I have heard the story of Jesus since I was a small child. However, He became a reality in my life a couple years ago. I don’t understand why it took me as long as it did. Right now that is not even a concern in my life. I am simply thrilled, that relationship has come about, and my goal is to share it with everybody, which is willing to read about my relationship.

I am astonished with the goodness, which Father showers, on my life daily. I am simply a person like the rest of the folks out there. I used to think that I had to be Holy, for Father to bless me. Now I realize that some days are better than others, and the level of my sin varies, from day to day. I understand that we are called to live Holy lives, and that is why we need the blood of Jesus. We can live as close to perfection, as we possibly can. It really don’t matter how hard that I try, it is as filthy rags, in the sight of God!!

Does that mean that I should simply give up, and live like the devil? In the words of Paul, “God Forbid!!” We were created in the image of Father, and we have this desire to succeed built into our systems. That is why we went to Jesus for our Salvation to begin with. We realized that we fell really short of the mark, and the sacrificial blood of Jesus was our only hope.

I need to ask a question. If we were hopeless on our own, then what makes us think once we receive Salvation, that we come self-sufficient?  That is exactly the way that a lot of act. Yes, Yes,…I am a Christian, and I must suffer for the sake of Christ!! How does being unrepentant of our sins, have anything to do, with suffering for Christ sake? The only thing that becoming a Christian means is that we are held to a higher standard, than those in the world.

Ok….i need to straighten something out right now. Being a Christian does not make us any better, than anyone else in this world. It does make us any better that the prostitute on the street corner, or the junkie drug addict, that she is supplying. It doesn’t even make us any better that the lawyer on Wall Street, or the President in the White House. It only makes us better than one person, and that one person was us, before we were blessed to be called a Christian!! It is truly what makes our Salvation personal!!  We are the only one that benefited the most, from our Salvation.

Don’t kill the messenger for this one, but escaping the wrath of hell is not the most important act of Salvation. There is something that is far greater that not being like a marshmallow at the end of a stick, over the flames. (Romans 8:15) We are called the sons, and daughters of God. If we are family, wouldn’t you really think that all you troubles are over? Haven’t you always dreamed that you were of a family that had great wealth and power?  

To wrap all this up in a nuts shell. I am just a ole country boy, that met Jesus one day, and my life will forevermore be changed!! I really feel compelled to follow the great commission, which Jesus left us with. I don’t even find it hard to do, because of who Jesus is to me. I have spent most of my life working right beside of Satan. The very least I can do is work right beside of Jesus, doing whatever it is that He wants me to do. After all, the retirement plan that Jesus has is out of this world!!


     …..Much Love


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